New Project for Westside LA in 2015
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New Church for Westside of Los Angeles

Orchard Group is excited to share our plans to help launch a new church in Los Angeles with lead planter Casey Fritz. We first met Casey nearly two years ago at the Exponential conference.  He and Lorenzo Smith, the executive pastor from Reality Church, attended a pre-conference session Orchard Group led on church planting in cities.  We established a quick connection with Casey and Lorenzo, which has steadily grown.

Born in Southern California, Casey Fritz was raised in a broken and impoverished home where his mind was far from Christianity or faith. By the time he was in high school, Casey’s mother forced him to attend a youth ministry at his grandparent’s local church. Casey went reluctantly, but it was there that he surrendered himself to Jesus. 
Two weeks later Casey was invited on a youth mission trip.  He was able to share the love of Christ with an elderly woman, and witness her come to the Lord. It was in that moment Casey felt the loud, clear call to serve Christ within vocational ministry.

After fifteen years of serving and maturing through his local church, it became clear that God had something else for the Fritz family.  Casey’s heart still burned with a desire to share the gospel. During a time of searching, Casey and Emily got connected with Reality Church.  Casey joined the staff there, where he ministered in multiple capacities – from children’s ministry to counseling, from missions to preaching, all while preparing to plant a church. 
Currently Casey and Emily live on the Westside of LA, where they are building a core group to launch a church in 2015.  

Will you pray for Casey and Lorenzo and their families?
Ask that Christ will strengthen them with power through his Spirit (Eph 3:15) and bless the work that they have set out to do.
Can you support the LA Project financially?
Los Angeles is a significant cultural center in the United States. With a population of 3.8 million in LA and 530,000 in the Westside neighborhoods, the opportunity for Kingdom growth are great. To support this project, go to our donations page and select “Los Angeles Westside Project”
If you would like to know more about the Westside LA Project, Casey and Lorenzo share information in this video.

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