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Memorials And Monuments

from Rhesa Storms

Last year, my family moved to a new neighborhood in New York City. Everything suddenly stood out in this unfamiliar place. Buildings, parks, and people had faded to background noise in our old neighborhood. In the new neighborhood, I noticed every face and the changed soundtrack of the streets. I noticed different storefronts and monuments. Some of the monuments are hard to miss, like the archway below. Why do we create markers like this?  They were plentiful in my old neighborhood as well. They are found in every town, in every city. Within us is a deep need to memorialize. This. Remember this. This event matters. This person matters. Do not forget.

We must have a tendency to forget.

When God led his people across the flooded Jordan River, he told them to make a monument. Before anything else, mark this moment. Tell your children. Do not forget. I am at work in the world. With Abram, later Abraham, the marker was placed on Abram’s own body through circumcision. Do not forget. You are set apart. I am at work in the world. Much later, when Jesus ate his last meal with his disciples, he gave us a practice that we still incorporate in our worship today. “This is my body. Do this and remember me.”  It is a marker to regularly remind us: I am at work in the world.


These monthly updates are markers at Orchard Group. They serve as a reminder. God’s Spirit is moving. When we could easily be distracted by the loudest voices clamoring for attention or weighed down by daily concerns, we remember: I am at work in the world. Renewal is happening. God’s Kingdom is still vibrant and growing. We have reasons to rejoice.

  • Miami Church, Foundry Church in Baltimore, Everyday Church in New York City, and Missio Dei Community in Salt Lake City celebrated baptisms this month!
  • Mustard Seed Christian Church in Nagoya, Japan has outgrown their space and is undergoing renovations. The renovations will make much-needed room in the children’s area and in the adult worship space
  • Renewal Church in Chicago has been hosting weekly meals to build community within their church and neighborhood. 15 nationalities were represented at a recent meal.  The reach of urban churches often goes far beyond the city itself.
  • Redemption Church in San Francisco continues to grow. June was their highest monthly attendance yet!
  • Legacy Church in Pennsylvania packaged 11,300 meals to serve to the neediest in their community.  

What “markers” do you keep so that you live in the joy of God’s faithfulness? What are your memorials that testify to God’s work in your life? Make note of them! Write them down. Tell someone. God is at work in the world.

As always, thank you for supporting the work of Orchard Group. It is a privilege to partner with you. 


From church plants to flourishing churches – it is a joy to watch our churches grow and impact lives and communities with the gospel! Three churches planted with the help of Orchard Group have been featured online. Click on the images below to read the articles.


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