Pioneer Bible Translators – Daily Prayer Guide | October 22 – 28

Russian Outreach Network – Impact Europe | Experiencing Breakthroughs

CMF International – Good news stories from our world wide team! – October 20, 2017

Timothy and Tammy Aho – PrayerFlash! #210

New Post From Les Champs de la France – Thought Blog for 10/21/2017

Restoration House Ministries, Inc. – October Prayer Pointes

Travelin’ Miles – Don’t Stop Praying!

GNPI – Good News For The Week (October 24)

Life in Abundance International – Join us in praying for Kenya as a nation

Mercy Partners PRAY- Answered Prayer – 24 OCT 2017

NMSI Transformed Lives – October 25, 2017

Kontaktmission – 10/26/2017

Christian City Children’s Village – Do you like a GOOD challenge?

Team Expansion – Brigada Today 2017/10/22