November 2, 2013
We are happy to report that this morning it was “only” 94 instead of over 100.  We have had some good rain too, so hopefully, we will get some cooler weather soon.
Please pray for Fred Moore who is to have a bone scan nextt week to see if he has bone cancer.  Patsy, his wife, was my matron of honor when we married and they are dear friends.  He just returned home from  this hospital after having some bleeding hemorrhoids removed.  They will appreciate your prayers.
This has been a  quiet month.  A week ago today Madonna loaded up the picki-up with some of the women from  the congregation and we drove to Puerto Cortes to visit a young lady who has aids.  Dalma is the daughter of Venilda, the dear lady who has rheumatoid arthritis and she was also there with her daughter.  Dalma is receiving treatment and had improved.
I regret I didn’t get a picture of the women packed in the back of the pick-up.  They were packed in like sardines.  No one told Madonna that she was to give the devotiona, but after one of the ladies had Scripture and prayer she announced Madonna would do the devotional.  Madonna quickly found a Psalm and shared with the women.She was reminded of the Scripture in I Peter 3:15.
We again had 155 patients in the clinic in October–a few more than September.  Madonna saw 10 patients on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.  On Monday a lady came in with her four children and most of them just needed medicine for parasites, so it didn’t take too long to take care of them..
Madonna baked three cakes for women who had birthdays in October.  This time everyone wanted chocolate and Madonna did remember the sugar.  The last cake was for one of our new Christians and she was so pleased when she came to get the cake.  Madonna is happy she can do this for the women.  She has four to do in November, all at the end of the month.
John hasn’t had any special projects this month, but has kept busy washing dishes and bringing in water and has enjoyed working on some jigsaw puzzles.
We celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary on October 17th and John celebrated his 90th birthday on October 21st.  Madonna baked a German Sweet Chocolate cake to celebrate both occasions.  She used a cake mix, but made the icing  from scratch using coconut from one of our trees.
Our internet keeps going off, so willl close this off while it is working.  Thanks again for your letters and prayers.
In His Love, John and Madonna