News from the Republic of Congo!
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Claudia Juarez-Serving with Mercy Ships

October 2013


Since my last newsletter (much too long ago) we have gone through several transitions.

Guinea –> Canary Islands

At the end of May the AFM completed her field service in Conakry, Guinea.  It was a very busy time, as you can see by these statistics:

  • Almost 3,000 surgical procedures
  • Over 45,000 dental procedures
  • Mentoring of almost 100 local surgeons and other health care professionals
  • Training of almost 1400 local leaders in agricultural processes, mental health, and leadership

So, we moved on to the Canary Islands, a 5 day sail.  This is our ship maintenance and projects time, with work going on all over the ship.  One part of this project time was a renovation in the Laboratory.  One aspect of the Lab renovation was the transformation of our phlebotomy area into a full blood collection area, complete with a brand new blood donor bed donated for our use by Pisces Productions.  Another was the renovation and re-purposing of our 4-room laboratory space.  The guys really did a nice job!


Canary Islands <–> Israel

During the summer I had a wonderful opportunity to visit Israel, participating in a study course titled ‘Jesus and His Times’ through Jerusalem University College.  This was a very rewarding time as we not only toured through Israel, but also learned so much about the geographical, political, religious, historical, and social aspects of the 1st century.  I’m sure this will add immeasurably to my appreciation and understanding of the Biblical accounts.

  Floating in the Dead Sea                       Crossing the Sea of Galilee

  On the aqueduct at Ceasaria                Golgotha?

Canary Island –> Congo

Having finished our ship-work in the shipyard in Las Palmas (Gran Canaria), we made a short sail to Santa Cruz (Tenerife) and enjoyed that island for a few days.  Then it was time to head out toward our next assignment in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo.

In route we crossed the equator and prime meridian simultaneously — which made us all Royal Diamond Shellbacks!  There were a number of activities to celebrate — kissing a fish was one of them.  finally, after almost 2 weeks of sailing, we spotted land and made our way to the dock at Pointe Noire.  We were greeted by many dignitaries and our Advance Team who had been very busy preparing the way for us in this new field of service

   Kissing the fish 

         Arriving at the dock in Pointe Noire

After about 2-1/2 weeks of setup time, at the end of August a mass screening was conducted in Pointe Noire.  Over 7,000 showed up for the screening and many were scheduled for follow-up evaluation or surgical procedures.   433 of those patients have already received surgical procedures aboard the Africa Mercy.  Next week we will be screening for additional patients in the capital city of Brazzaville; and in early December screening will be conducted in several towns in the interior of the country.

We will continue to serve here until the end of May.  After the ship maintenance period, it is currently planned that we will return to Pointe Noire for an additional period of serving the people of Congo.

Thierno’s Story – as told to Catherine Murphy
    Photo credits: Debra Bell

My name is Thierno, I am Guinean.  There is a story I would like to tell you of – it is a story of a man, a football player. This man was young and strong and fit. He played for his hometown’s soccer team as a defender. Then he was struck with tragedy and had no means for healing. Each word that I write today is proof of a happy ending, but I will never forget the five years of the unhappy beginning. This man was me.

The tumor began small on my face. As it grew, I began to feel more and more pain. Within a few months, my health began to decline to the point that I could no longer play football. My mother stopped everything to care for me, she took me to many doctors who were traditional healers and we tried to find a treatment – but nothing worked. My mother became exhausted from worry for her only son. With each month, the tumor grew larger. The creases on her face grew deeper. From behind my deformity, I watched her lose all hope. Then Mercy Ships said they could help.

The atmosphere onboard the Africa Mercy was friendly and loving – the doctors and nurses took such good care of me. Each day, I was happy and comforted in my hospital bed.

I cannot say anything – I do not have the words. I am speechless because I am grateful to God for the doctors that were so competent and able to remove something so dangerous. Because God brought them together, this operation was possible. I will never forget Mercy Ships, and I know that today I find myself in good health by the grace of God.

I am so pleased that the government negotiated the arrival of the ship; I am not the only Guinean who has been blessed by it. There have been many Guineans who were sick and have found their health because of Mercy Ships.

For my part, I don’t know what to say, any word, to Mercy Ships. The humanitarian support that the ship carries for us is unimaginable and inexplicable. I wish I could thank all the staff of the ship, every single person, especially Dr. Gary, who put all of his effort into my surgery. May God protect Mercy Ships, bless Guinea, and all Guineans.





Mailing address:
Claudia Juarez, HCS
AFM-VIA Crew Mail
PO Box 2020
Lindale, TX 75771

NOTE: If you are considering sending a package my way, please contact me first for the correct delivery address.

Financial Support
I serve as a volunteer and am reliant on the support of others for all of my expenses.
If you are led to
 share in my ministry financially, please make checks payable to Mercy Ships and send to:
Mercy Ships, 
Donor Services
P.O. Box 2020
Lindale, TX 75771
with a note designating for the support of missionary
 Claudia Juarez (#2793).
Or, you can make a contribution online at: