Mission Services

the missions network

now has even MORE

information available to people interested in  

world missions   

tmn logo for newsletters
  October 10, 2012
As you well know, we have diligently worked to make the missions network a place of interest to InterCultural Studies/Missions Professors and your students.  We appreciate your patience with us, your time investment in reading these occasional updates, and your willingness to tell students about the network.

On Tuesday, October 2, we took another step in making the network into a connecting resource for sharing world missions information.  On that date, we added PDF versions of newsletters and prayer letters to our menu of options.  While this may not appear as “exciting & cutting edge” as podcasting/internet broadcasting, we all know that those involved in world missions offer these updates much more frequently than video updates.  Collectively, these represent an incredible source of information on the lives and work or world missions.  Our goal is to add every newsletter we publish at Mission Services, and every newsletter we receive at our office to the network.  

We also have a plan to add historical records of missionaries to the network in the near future.  Thanks to our good brother Chris DeWelt, all of the newsletters that had been collected by Ozark Christian College over the past years were donated

to Mission Services.  We now have an entire pallet of newsletters on our floor!

When added to all of the records accumulated in 66+ years by the MSA office, it is safe to call this an “extensive” collection of missions history among Christian Churches and Churches of Christ.  Plans for making this available on the missions network are well under way, and we look forward to announcing the posting of the first files!  It is the hope of Chris DeWelt, the libraries and professors of Ozark Christian College and Johnson University, the Board, staff and supporters of Mission Services that these files will be useful in training the next generations of cross cultural missionaries.

There are two requests that I have for each person receiving this email.  1) Continue making the missions network a part of the missions experience where you serve (both educationally and congregationally).  2) Make sure all the missionaries that are a part of the Restoration Movement know that the missions network is present to serve them!  Let them know that we want to include their newsletters, prayer letters, video and audio communication in this resource.  Your assistance in these ways will be a great blessing!