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November 2013
Dear Reggie,



We are looking to spread the word about SOTIRIA and the difference that is being made for eternity around the world.  One way in which we hope to do this is through the International Conference on Missions which is taking place November 14-17 in Kansas City.  The conference is a place where over 550 mission organizations will promote their ministries and 10,000 people will be looking for new mission partnerships.  This is the time and place to expose our ministry to thousands of churches at one time.  Simply put, it is a great bang for the buck!  Early this spring our board stepped out in faith to reserve a booth at the conference.  Although we have paid for our booth, we still in need to raise $1,500 to cover transportation, hotel, food, and electricity / internet at our booth.  Since we have less than 2 weeks to raise the needed funds in order to make this conference a reality, we are asking you to make a donation today.  You can go to our secure website at and make a donation in the donation box on any of the pages.  If you prefer to make your donation via check, you can mail it to our office at 602 Plainville Dr., Westfield, IN 46074.  Whether you are able to donate $10, $50, $100, or more, it all is vitally important.  Thank you for helping us to spread the word.


“A generous man will himself be blessed,

for he shares his food with the poor.” (Proverbs 22:9)

TheBottomLineThank You!

We want to thank of those who financially support SOTIRIA INTERNATIONAL on a regular basis.  Without your help we would not be where we are today.  Whether you are a regular supporter, one-time donor, or have yet to give, we need your help during these next 2 weeks.  We need to raise $1,500 so that we are able to attend the International Conference On Missions where we will be able to present our ministry to 10,000 people.  Thank you for helping to make this a reality!  You can either donate on our website or you can mail a donation to our office at 602 Plainville Dr. / Westfield, IN 46074
“Victory Daughters” with the Kigungu Deliverence Church in Uganda

The Bible is very clear — To whom much is given, much is required.  If you live in America, you have been given much.  Even the poorest in America are among some of the richest in the world.  Considering that SOTIRIA is working among those who make less than $2 per day, and yet they save money each and every week for their business, surely we can set aside some money from our abundance in order to give them a HAND UP out of their poverty.  Will you make a donation today to help us spread the word about SOTIRIA INTERNATIONAL?

In This Issue
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    “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me toPROCLAIM good news to the poor. He has sent me to BIND UP the broken hearted, toPROCLAIM freedom for the captives andrelease fromdarkness 

for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1


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Kurt and Pamella Berger
602 Plainville Dr., Westfield, IN  46074
(317) 605-1984  /
SOTIRIA INTERNATIONAL, Inc., State of Indiana Domestic Nonprofit Corporation,
is a Nonprofit organization and tax exempt under the US government IRS code 501(c)(3).
All donations to SOTIRIA INTERNATIONAL are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for:
– Financial support.  Besides the general operating expenses involved in running the ministry and the entrepreneurs that we are helping, we also need $1,500 in order to promote our ministry to 10,000 people at the International Conference On Missions.
– The Entrepreneurs. Men and women who will be starting new businesses, or expanding their current business, in order to break free from the bonds of poverty on their lives.  
– God’s guidance.  On a regular basis more and more ministries are looking to partner with us.  Pray that we move forward in the direction that God is guiding.
-Training in Africa.  Before we are able to move forward with the association of 100 churches in Kenya, we need to provide on-sight training in micro-finance.  Pray for those arrangements and finances to be worked out so that it can happen in 2014.