NMSI Weekly Blog: Transformed Lives

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Ordinary Miracles

Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:00 PM PDT

Nate May, one of our Venture interns, is serving in New Zealand. Read below how God is revealing for him that miracles happen in the everyday.

Too often, I do not take time to notice what God is doing in my everyday life. Too often, I forget to pay attention to the seemingly simple acts that God is performing in the ordinary. Too often, I neglect to see the beautiful gift that can be found in tedious tasks and lack-luster labor.

I get so caught up searching for God in what I consider to be the spectacular that I forget to notice the work He is doing all around me. I look only for powerful storms, shattering earthquakes, and raging fires and, in doing so, I miss out on His gentle whisper that can be found in even the most unremarkable circumstances.

The other day, I was reading one of my favorite Authors, G.K. Chesterton, and I was struck by this quote from his book Tremendous Trifles that really convicted me:

The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder.”

For too long I have neglected to notice the ordinary” miracles that God is performing in my life and in the lives of those around me. This quote struck me because I have been plagued by a lack of wonder. This, however, has begun to change. During my time in New Zealand, God has been teaching me to surrender my expectations and my prideful desire for extravagance. He has been teaching me that there are plenty of wondrous miracles throughout each day; I just haven’t been paying attention. Since moving to Gulf Harbour to work with The Vine Community Church, I been involved in children’s ministry planning, Bible study preparation, musical worship leading, and sermon development and through all of the tedious work, God has shown me that that He is moving and working. God working in every meeting, in every email sent, and in every late night. God is working in and through the members of The Vine Community Church.

Read the full story at mobblog.nmsi.org/ordinary-miracles


Contributed by Nate May