NMSI Weekly Blog: Transformed Lives


A Guy Named Albert

Posted: 19 Sep 2016 05:00 PM PDT


Jesse Frame shares today how YouthHope is working to transform lives in the Philippines through the work and dedication of a man named Albert:

Students finding Jesus. Students growing in their faith. Students serving.

These are the things every youth minister prays, plans, and works for. These are the reasons why my life is what it is today. These things are part of my story, and I’ll bet, many of yours.

My ministry has changed from working directly with students, to working with youth leaders. I regularly ask myself, should I go back into direct youth ministry? Then, I meet someone like Albert.

Albert is one of our partners who lives in Manila, Philippines. Home to 1.7 million people, Manila is the most densely populated city in the world with 43,079 inhabitants per square kilometer. One out of every three of the 98 million inhabitants of this island nation is under age 15. At less than 2% evangelical Christian and 80% Catholic, the need for the Jesus’ gospel of grace is overwhelming for the over 30 million youth. This is where Albert comes in.

Albert is the national youth ministry coordinator for his ministry network which includes multiple church campuses throughout the Metro-Manila area and around different regions of the Philippines. His work with youth is extensive! Not only is he the youth minister at his home church, but he currently facilitates a public high school outreach and discipleship program in 3 city schools, hoping to expand to 5 more in the next couple years. This government approved program reaches out to non-Christian students and trains Christian student leaders to disciple their peers. This is just a piece of his ministry!

When I am able to come alongside someone like Albert, it strengthens my desire to invest in global youth workers. Albert is one of many of our indigenous partners working to transform the lives of global youth. We believe in them. We value them. And YouthHOPE exists, in part, to join with them in reaching the youth of the world.

Albert will never be able to reach the millions of youth in his home city. That’s why we need your help. Albert has already hosted 2 Youth Ministry Leadership Trainings in Manila. What if we could help equip 50 Alberts? 100? Or more? Would you be willing to help us help them? It costs YouthHOPE an average of $62.50 to train a global youth worker. Will you help us reach the youth of the Philippines?