NMSI Weekly Blog: Transformed Lives |
Equipping Youth Ministry Leaders in Moldova Posted: 14 Nov 2017 04:00 PM PST Dale Puckett shares a testimony of YouthHOPE‘s Youth Ministry Leadership Training (YMLT) in Moldova:
These are some of the statements shared with me at the beginning of the YMLT in Moldova. Honestly, it broke my heart. Here was a group of men and women investing in the next generation…yet extremely worn out, burned out, and ready to give up. These are my people. They are doing what I love to do. My heart was heavy and burdened for them. Yet I knew one thing… All 16 in attendance (except one) were volunteers in their churches. So they work a full-time job and do full-time ministry on the side. During the four day training, my teammate Jesse and I intentionally and extensively poured into these youth workers. We led multiple sessions dealing specifically with:
Our intention is always to equip nationals with tools and Biblical principles of mentoring/discipling they can in turn use it directly with their specific people, in their cultural context. One of my favorite times was the significant “downtime” spent with these leaders. The relaxed atmosphere each evening allowed for some amazing conversations about ministry and enabled us a chance to do some one on one consulting and encouragement. By the end of our time with these leaders, the joy and encouragement flowing from them was such a life changing moment. Those who were burned out or discouraged were sharing with us ways God had done a great work through the training. Here were some of their responses: