NMSI Weekly Blog: Transformed Lives

Link to New Mission Systems International

Miracles Through Tragedies

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 05:00 PM PDT




Today’s story is from James and Marta in Myanmar. 


If you think the story of devastating Cyclone Nargis in 2008 is old news, think again. Our initial response that year including humanitarian aid, village rebuilding, and ministry efforts continue to have ripple effects years later. 

We came to know Daw Khinwar, who we’ve nicknamed the Miracle Lady. Cyclone Nargis deeply impacted her life and her village but the worse was yet to come. She was diagnosed with cancer and for many in Myanmar without adequate healthcare, this kind of news is the beginning of the end. A small group of us visited her in a hospital and prayed for God to miraculously heal her. Our prayers were answered and her doctors were shocked and without an explanation that the cancer has disappeared.


She was not a Christian at the time, but became a believer after God healed her. Her husband, Min Lwin was a Christian but said her heart was hard. He was so thankful for this miracle of healing that changed her forever.

She later would give her testimony at our church, Tamwe Christian Center, and her story became a powerful picture of God working miracles – even in the context of tragedy and loss. Though Cyclone Nargis seemed cruel and unmerciful, God made His presence known in many ways. The Miracle Lady is just one example of many – but her story didn’t end there.


Daw Khinwar and her husband moved to Hlawga Village, just outside of Yangon and we lost touch with them. Upon our reunion in 2015, we visited their village where they have started a Christian school called Salt & Light Preschool and established a church. 

After many talks we agreed to start teaching a transformation seminar for denominational Christian leaders, believers and non-believers in their area once a month. These seminars, which have been taking place for many months now, are Gospel-oriented and testify of God’s transformational power in the lives of everyday people. Many are coming to know Jesus.

They needed a Sunday School teacher so we provided this by sending some students to help on Sunday mornings. Two of her pre-school teachers are Buddhists, we are praying for them and are encouraging them. Our hope for them is that God touches their hearts much like He did the Miracle Lady years ago.