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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

Meet Jordan!

Jun 30, 2017 04:00 pm

Hi Everyone, this summer we welcome back Alex McCormick (scroll back to last year to read more about him) and a second intern named Jordan Hess.

Jordan comes to us from Johnson University (Knoxville) where she studies TESOL. Much like Alex she comes to us through Kontaktmission USA. We’re happy to have Jordan with us and hope that we can help her to find her calling (God’s job, not ours!) and continue to see where her place can be in France (again, we’ll let God handle that!)

Ok Jordan, so why did you choose France?
In High School when I was a Freshman I felt compelled to take French and I see how it was a God thing. We learned, as a freshman in college about all the places that had a need for Christ and France was on the list. I can see how God was in all of these decisions.

What’s the most surprising thing about France you’ve experienced?

Taking 2 hours for lunch really surprises me. Usually I only take about 25 minutes to eat. It interesting that people take 2 hours out of the middle of the day to eat. 

Let’s talk about some difficulties. What’s something that is really difficult for you here?
Not being able to express myself because my level of French is still developing. Also, making sure that what I am doing is culturally appropriate is really hard. I’ve learned I have to smile a lot less!

Tell us a victory you’ve experienced.

Successfully lead a small group of girls (with the help of other leaders) at a local elementary school for a play that they are doing. Communicating and getting to know some people in my age group and getting closer to the people I am living with. 

What’s this internship like for you?
I help in 3 different classroom settings with an association that teaches english to elementary school ages (8-12 years old). I’ve gone to prayer meetings and helped out around the church. A lot of what I do is adapting to culture and understanding how it will help me in the future.

What’s a word of advice you’d give to someone wanting to intern in France?
Even if you think you are studying the language study a little harder but don’t get discouraged. The learning curve is very steep but most people are very happy to help you out. 

How is faith different here in France?
Faith is a much more private topic. Many people don’t talk much about what they believe  and it takes them a while to open up. People are curious but just very much more private about it. 

Word association! I’ll give you a subject and tell me the first word you think of.

Frog Legs — Ew.
Stinky Cheese — Yum.
Trains — Annoying.
Bread — Great.
France — Special. 
Goats — Cheese.

What’s the difference between the role food plays here than in the States? 
In the USA we just use it for nourishment where as in France it truly is used for relationships.

Pray for Jordan while she stays here. She is a great help for us!

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