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Reconciled with God

Jun 19, 2017 03:37 pm

What does it mean to be reconciled with someone you’ve never seen before? Why do we need to be reconciled when we can’t be separated from God in the first place? 
The big one…
We don’t even exist to begin with. 
When we talk about bridging the gap with God there isn’t much that is incredibly simple about it. Normally, as Christians from a culture that is Christian (or at least culturally close to that of a Christian culture) we get out of the starting blocks quickly. God loves you and wants to have a relationship with you.
Read that again slowly. We’ve already stumbled onto four concepts that are hard to understand: God. Love. Relationship. Me.  
How we place ourselves along side (note: not against) a culture that struggles understanding all of these concepts is difficult and frustrating but also quite rich!
The joy of church planting (and I can only say in my French culture) is that we get to have these conversations all of the time. The joy of what you do is you get to stand in the gap between faith and that which is forgotten. It’s not perfect, it’s not complete, and in many ways we feel like the work hasn’t even started but with confidence we move forward because we know what God provides is better than anything we can provide. 
God gives us reconciliation. God gives us Jesus.

It’s been a very long time since our last update. Most of this is because we’ve been updating our group on Facebook quite a bit. If you would like to be added to the group please drop us a line by email and we will add you. For reasons of security and respect for our community this group is private. 
We have welcomed two interns who will spend the summer with us here in Descartes. Alex McCormick, who spent last summer here and Jordan Hess come to us via Kontaktmission USA and will serve in various degrees throughout the summer. Welcome Alex and Jordan. 

The summer brings about some changes for our churches here. Nikki and I have become much more active in the day to day planning for the church and in leading worship and preaching. 
You can also find our church’s facebook page (Communauté Protestante Evangélique de Descartes) where more information about our activities as a church will be posted. Our goal is to film more and more so that we can offer more possibilities for people to explore the faith and for you the supporter to see what is going on. 
Please pray as we host an artist who will come to do an exposition here in Descartes. We hope that this is a good way for many people to see, experience and hear about the love of Jesus. This event takes place the 8th and 9th of July
Thanks so much for reading and for the continued support! Expect to see far more posts from our end in the weeks to come. 


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