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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France


Apr 13, 2018 11:11 am
‘You are worthy, our Lord and God
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.’

We continue today to GLORY. How do we ‘give glory’ to God?

Sunday School answer time:

Prayer. Seriously. That’s a way that we can very much glorify God. I don’t think this is a single action but a posture… not a physical posture but a spiritual one. We make a commitment and a move to glorify God when we commit to praying, submitting and committing to Him.


Because He made all things… by His will he made it and sustains all things.

One of our friends here in France is in a difficult position. Things aren’t going well for them. They need help. We aren’t professionals so he was referred to a professional for care… for further treatment and to continue his medication. Before, we prayed with him. No one has ever prayed with him before. He had never been amongst a church before. Had never read the Bible before. We (as a group of believers…) committed to glorify God in prayer with our friend. Asking God to do His work in his life. We glorify God when we admit our position and commit to allowing God to be the Lord of each situation.

We’ve been working hard on a new building in Descartes. It’s taken a long time but we hope to finish in two weeks all the work. I’ve seen a community growth through this, a solidarity and a general desire to see God’s Kingdom advance here. This project doesn’t come without challenges that we want to ask you to help with. In the next week we’ll be posting opportunities for your church and you to help with our work here. Stay tuned for the opportunity to pray for and financially help the project.

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