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The time flies

Jan 11, 2018 08:10 am

The time in between our trip to the states and today has really gone quickly. Part of that is the winter, the days are shorter and colder and so we naturally tend to go into ‘cocoon’ mode. Not really, but it can seem that way. 
The other reason for the speed is one of the things that we’ve really learned over the past year that was a difficult lesson: sometimes there can be so much to do, that it seems as though one is getting nothing done. Is this the truth? Of course not. Over the past few months a lot has been accomplished but not without again, some very difficult lessons. 
We’ve learned to be better communicators here in Descartes. We’ve learned even still to be even better listeners. 
James 1.19- ‘Dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.’ 
A constant renewal is also to become ‘better’ disciples. I put it like that because better might not be the best word. There is no competition, rather a desire to grow closer to God even through difficult lessons and complicated situations. 
One example of this is some wisdom by Henry Blackaby- that ‘it’ never works, ‘God’ does. It can be a difficult proposition- taking Jesus where He isn’t (yup, He’s everywhere, I know that) is not one that just takes off because of ‘it’. This takes time, it takes listening, it takes teaching, it takes commitment, it takes caring. It takes God. 

Some details that we’d like to communicate is that we decided to move our office to the storefront just next to our current location. There are several reasons, but the main one is that we have a responsibility to present a location that is legal to all people and can be comfortably used in the future. 
Around Christmas we had a craft day for kids- 27 people in all came, including 8 first time visitors. For Christmas Eve we had a carol service (totally planned and run by our Christian friends here in Descartes) that hosted 37 people. These numbers are great, but it presents an issue that we have to respond to- we need a building that works. 
This move requires funds that are already on hand but also will raise the rent from 390 euros to 500 euros. If you are interested in partnering with our local church either through prayer or finances, let us know! We’d love to share more vision and planning with you. 

Pray with us for our local contacts. Some of which are currently living through times of difficult illness and confusion. Pray for our team, that we can be unified and constantly seeking Christ. Thanks so much for all that you do.
For Him,

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