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To the ends of the world.  – Medical Training 


Psalm 19 describes the obvious manifestation of God: 
The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
    their words to the ends of the world.
After this declaration of the Psalm, The perfect law of our God is introduced and the specific revelation that he has given to us that we might fear him. To fear God is very cleansing.  
Before my reentry to South Sudan I could not shake the fear for what I might find. It was not that I feared experiencing more suffering and carnage, which is now, ever present in South Sudan. My true fear was this: 
 What if God was orchestrating a divine appointment for me to meet someone in terrible need?   What if I were not prepared?  
Time and time again, Mercy Partners has come to the side of those in need of Mercy. We have learned that short term Mercy has a long term impacts as you may recall from Simon Deng who was revived to life after we found him near death in Sudan.    
Even before December 15th when war reignited, We had prayed that God would provide an open door for medical training if it was his will.  A few weeks ago, we received a call. It was Equip International, Marion NC stating that they have no more room in their Mission Medical Intensive class that we had sought out but they heard that we work in South Sudan and wanted to talk to us anyway.  After a battery of questions we were told that they would call back. A few moments later they did and welcomed me into the class.  
It is the second day and the training is intense from memorizing Symptom Protocols to learning procedures, tropical diseases and trauma care. 
The invaluable training that I am receiving over the next few weeks will be life saving to those in the conflict zones we serve and more importantly, it will enable us to meet people with the love of Jesus that will save them eternally. 
-Walking this prayer path with you ,
Pray that as we fear God that joy abound by following his precepts. 
Pray for those in the future that will be impacted by this specific training. 
Pray that Tom is granted wisdom and knowledge as he works though the many hours of study that this Medical Intensive requires. 

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