Incredible Trip to the USA!
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New Hope Christian Ministries of Pakistan

Sam and Brittany Gill

December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas, from the Gills!

Sam and Brittany in Minnesota, while in the USA, on their 17-State Tour.

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If you missed the last E-Newsletter, click HERE to read our previous E-Newsletter.

17 States!  

Yes, that’s right!  We just finished traveling 17 States, in the USA, from July to December.  We traveled over 7,342 miles.  (That is not including the Inner City Driving and International Flights).  And, we did this with two small children (ages 3 and 1).  In case you didn’t hear from us, for a while, we got a little busy!  We had meant to get this Newsletter out, sooner, but we did the best we could, managing our intense speaking schedule while managing a young family.

In Addition to over 7,342 miles traveled, we spoke in…

17 Churches
3 Christian Camps (One of them was a conference)
3 Bible Studies
 2 Bible Colleges
1 Bible College Class
1 Bible College Mission Meeting
1 WA State Retirees Association Meeting
1 Newspaper Article/Interview
2 Christian Organizations
1 Men’s Prison (Sam)
1 Concert (Brittany sang)
1 Church Singing Engagement (Brittany)
The Creation Museum (Kentucky)

The states we visited were: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky.


A Big Thank You…


On this stateside visit… two of the biggest obstacles that we were seeing ahead of us, before we even started our journey in the U.S., was housing and transportation. That was not an easy problem to solve. We were praying for that, and God answered our prayers through these special people. We really can tell you that our speaking trip goals would not have been achieved if it weren’t for these people. We are so thankful to God, first, and then to all of these people, mentioned below.

Secondly, we are also thankful to all of our friends who have helped us to get connected with the Churches for speaking. We feel honored to mention their names, below, also.

May God Bless these people, richly, fervently, and abundantly.

Friends and Family who provided Vehicles and/or Residences:

Kirk and Charlotte Hoff
Kraig and Tami Hoff
Stephen and Jacquie Johnson
Mark and Rhonda Tevis
Brad Brenner
Gayle Mitchell
Wendy Haley
Nick and Beth Duffel
Jack and Carol Miller
Lee and Ivye Johnson
Stewart and Gail Brown
Marvin and Jan Bullock
Clinton First Christian Church
Mark and Susan Kinkel
Floyd and Gayle Dowell
Bob and Alyce Park
Travis and Anna Marie Edwards
Steven and Bonnie Williams
Tom and Claire Muller
John and Arlene McCann


Friends and Family who provided a way for us to present in their Churches, Home Groups, Functions, etc.:

Charles Dailey and Family
Mike and Stephanie Kennedy
Stephen and Jacquie Johnson
Anna Seley
Kyle Moffitt
David Davolt
John and Merrily Jones
Jéff Adams
Wendy Haley
Dale and Janine Cornett
Jack and Carol Miller
Danny Harrod
Lee and Ivye Johnson
Danah Nelson
Marvin and Jan Bullock
Nancy Jackson
Willie Coop
Dwain and Rhonda Weil
Randy and Sharon Meacham
Charles Simpson
Chris Roulet
Mark and Susan Kinkel
Julie Holloway
Travis and Anna Marie Edwards
Steven and Bonnie Williams
Wayne Hoff (Music and Concert)
Olivia Hoff (Music and Concert)
Mattithiah Friedman
Heather Brittain
Mark and Carol Sparks
Dwight and Patrice Gillespie
Mark and Cheryl McConnell
John and Jeanette Kersey
Dr. Jack Cottrell
Marina Jenkins
Tim and Amy Russell
Brad Shunn 
Mark Looy
Tom Carrow
Jim Webster

(We’re pretty sure that we got all of the names listed, here.  We hope that we didn’t forget anyone!)

Trip Highlights!

Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp: Oregon

Sam, Brittany, Amelia and Savannah at the Winema Beach, at Winema Christian Camp, in Cloverdale, Oregon.  From July 30 – August 4th, Sam was one of the main speakers.  There were hundreds in attendance.
Our whole group at Winema (From L to R): Rachel, Sadiq (Sam’s dad), Sam, Amelia (our 3-year-old), Savannah (our 1-year-old), Brittany, and Kirk Hoff (Brittany’s dad).


Newspaper Article all over Washington State:

Sam and Brittany were interviewed for “The Chronicle,” which is the Newspaper for Brittany’s hometown.  This Newspaper covers the Lewis and Thurston Counties for Washington State.  After Brittany had spoken for the WA State Retirees Association, in Centralia, there was much interest, and one person had contacted the Chronicle to do a story on our family.  This article came out on October 4th, 2017.  Click down below, on the picture, to read.

WA State Retirees Association Meeting

On September 18th, 2017, Brittany was asked to speak in her hometown for the Washington State Retirees Association.  Her presentation was received with great interest, to the point where the local Newspaper (The Chronicle, covering the Lewis and Thurston County areas) contacted us to do a story on our family!

Pleasant Valley Christian Camp

We were very blessed to have been invited twice to speak at Pleasant Valley Christian Camp, in Mineral, WA.  The first camp was the Family Camp.  The second camp was the Senior Saints Camp.  Here is a picture from one of those speaking engagements.
Our “crew” in front of the Columbia River Gorge


Here is Sam speaking in Idaho.  Sam spoke at three Churches, and was also welcomed, greatly, at Boise Bible College.

Nevada and California

Sam was warmly welcomed into a Church in Nevada.  We also drove over the border into California and spoke at a Church, there.  While visiting Nevada and California, our friends took us to a nice visit at the Zoo, and a ride in a small airplane!  At the Church in California, many people came up to Brittany and told her that they knew her late Grandfather, Doyle Farnsworth (Brittany’s Mom’s Father).  Brittany never knew her Grandpa Doyle, because he passed away before she was born. They told her how much of an impact that Doyle had on their lives, and they were so blessed and honored to meet “his Granddaughter.”  Brittany was very touched to hear this. By the way, Brittany’s Grandpa Doyle had visited Pakistan in 1969, with Brittany’s Grandma, Margaret Anna (Brittany’s Mom’s parents).  What a legacy! 

Down below, here, we didn’t end up getting any pictures of Sam speaking in the Church (because Brittany was busy chasing and taking care of the kids), but we did get a picture from the zoo, and our friends’ small airplane.


Christ’s Church of the Valley, Phoenix, AZ

In Phoenix, Arizona, Sam was invited to speak at Christ’s Church of the Valley, which averages 25,000 in attendance.  Sam spoke in the Senior Class and was well received.  Unfortunately, Brittany was so busy with her kids, that she was unable to take a picture of Sam speaking, in the class.  However, here is a picture of the main auditorium, during the worship service.  Our Sunday School Class that we spoke in agreed to help sponsor the salaries of two of our Pastors.   

The two pictures, down below, are two pictures of our friends, who hosted us, in Phoenix.
