
The Najmons

July 2018
“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth
by your great power and outstretched arm.
Nothing is too hard for you.”

Jeremiah 32:17

An Update
Hello! It is hard to believe it has been a year since we sent out our last newsletter. Our plan was to send out a final newsletter once Ross found a full-time ministry position and we were settled in our new home. That didn’t go quite as planned this year, but we felt we have seen the Lord working for us! In the end, it is His plans that matter, not ours! We considered a local church ministry for a few different reasons, but we are changing that plan after the Lord has closed doors and seems to be working on a different path for us. We are excited to be writing to you again and have several things to share with you!
This Past Year
Megan has been doing well with her health. We continue to be so thankful for our doctors and feel that the Lord definitely had a plan with who has taken care of her. With the help of her doctors we have seen better days in this past year compared to the last several. There are still good and bad days, but the progress we’ve seen confirms that we are headed in the right direction.

Along with focusing on Megan’s health, Ross has been diligent in looking for a full-time ministry position as well as handling any mission work that has needed tending to. There were many details to finalize before we were able to put mission work completely on hold. He also finished working on his Master’s degree and graduated this past May. You might remember, he started working on this degree when we left for Italy and has been persistent to see it through. He now holds a Master’s degree from Johnson University in Intercultural Studies with a concentration in Christian Education. We are looking forward to the possibilities of how he will be able to use what he has learned.

We also have another piece of thrilling news. We are expecting! Ross and I will be welcoming a little one to our family in August. Our due date is August 22nd. We have both always hoped God would allow us the opportunity to become parents and we are overjoyed in this next coming phase for our family.

Our Plans
Now that we have caught you up a bit, we would like to share a little about what is next. It seems that the Lord is opening a door for us to work stateside with a mission organization. We have applied and right now are waiting to see if we are approved. It would be a full-time position for Ross, while Megan would stay home with the baby and also continue to focus on her health.

We are very excited about this possibility. It would allow us to stay connected in the world of missions, allow Ross to put his new degree to use, and be a smoother transition if we are able to go on the field in the future. I think the thing that excites us the most is that, if we cannot go, it would be our joy to help serve those who can.

This opportunity would bring a few changes for us as well as for you as we transition from one organization to another. We will share some things that might be affected in this time of change, and if we are approved we will walk you through the process and update you along the way. As always we welcome any questions you might have. Please feel free to contact us!

A few things for you to know about this possibility:

  • If it does work out, we will go back to living off of support.
    • For those of you that would like to pick up supporting us financially again, we would love to have you partner with us and we will give you the information needed when the time comes.
  • We would be living in the states and working for a mission organization.
    • We would be partnered with them in the same way a missionary serving overseas would be.
    • We would handle our funds through them and you might start seeing their logo on our newsletters, etc…
  • It means that we would no longer be partnered with Italy For Christ.
    • It does not mean our hearts are no longer for Italy or for the work that they are doing. Right now, with Megan’s health, there is no guarantee that we will be able to serve in southern Italy full-time and we are waiting to see what the Lord has in store for our service overseas. For now, we will wait and see what God will do!
A Move
Before we wrap up, we have one more piece of information to share: we are moving to Louisville, KY! We have known that we would be moving since Ross started looking for a ministry position. We just didn’t know where. Normally, we would plan to move after we have been offered a job. However, with our little one coming we had hoped that we would be able to move and get settled before their arrival. We have been praying about this decision for a while. Even though we have not yet been offered the position with the mission organization, we have decided that we will move to the town where they are based. We feel that this is a step of faith for us, but we have been given such peace in this decision.

We are glad to be able to share all of this information with you. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we prepare for all that lies before us, but also for Megan and Baby (who are both doing very well). We will be sending out more updates as we move and as we have more information about this opportunity. Thank you for your steadfast prayers!

With Love,

Megan & Ross

We covet your prayers!
Here are some ways you could be praying for us.
Prayer Requests:

  • For Megan and Baby
  • For wisdom in upcoming plans
  • For the possibility of working with a mission organization

  • For a healthy pregnancy so far
  • For God’s provision
  • For God’s guidance
We are so thankful for each one of you!
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement this past year.
We look forward to sharing more with you in the coming weeks.
Thank you for staying with us!
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