The Najmons

– Italy For Christ Mission –

March & April 2016

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.                                          

Romans 1:20

The Appian Way

The Appian Way is one of the earliest roads in Italy. It connected Rome with the southern half of Italy. While Ross and I visited Rome, we were able to see and walk on part of the Appian Way. This road dates back to 312 B.C. It is an unexplainable feeling standing on a piece of history, possibly even a road the apostle Paul walked on. There are many remains all over the world leaving behind clues and proof of things that have happened in history. Just as there are remains proclaiming history, there is a creation proclaiming as well. As spring starts to come into bloom may you see not only signs of new life, but may you also see a creation crying out that there is a creator, a king, and a God.

March & April

     It feels as though I just finished our last newsletter and here we are preparing another one. My how these months have flown. April marked 7 months that we have been back in the U.S. and May marks 6 months that we have been working for the church, here in Maryland. It does not feel as though we have been back that long. Time is flying by. These last 2 months we have continued to stay busy. Ross just finished another of his graduate classes. He continues to work toward completing his Master’s degree. He has worked very hard and diligently on his classes. He has been balancing our mission work, our work at the church, and also his studies. His plate has been full, yet he has handled it so well. I do not envy him as I watch him writing his papers


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