The Najmons

Italy For Christ Mission     Serving in Lecce, Italy

January 2015
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
 Psalm 8:9
We covet your prayers!
Here are some ways you could be praying for us.
Prayer Requests:

  • That our monthly budget would be met
  • To continue progressing in the language
  • Planning for the year


  • Increase in support, we are now at 28%
  • Extended time with the missionaries
  • Experiencing an Italian New Year’s

Happy New Year!

Ross and I hope that you had a wonderful New Year’s holiday. There is something so exciting for the start of a new year and what a truly wonderful reminder of the fresh start that we have through Christ. Thankfully, though, we do not have to wait for a certain day each year to experience it!

A new look for a new year!

We are excited to be able to share this new format for our updates with you all! We will be using a new mailing system, Mailchimp, which should help with some of the problems we have been having in emailing our updates. It also allows us to include pictures! We have been so disappointed that, since our arrival, we have had technical issues that made sending out our newsletters a challenge. However, we are so thankful that it is all coming together. This is such an answer to our prayers! We won’t be able to include all the pictures that we would like to, so we are putting together a website that will allow us to post our pictures. We will still continue to post them on Facebook as well. Thank you for your patience in this issue!
This is the view from the rooftop of our apartment building!

Looking Ahead

At the start of each year we take time to plan out the year before us. Now that we are into the new year, we are looking ahead and starting our planning for 2015. We know it might seem a little early, but we have a number of decisions to make this year. We will be returning to the states in early September. Upon our return we are hoping to have several things ready and in place to help make for a smoother transition back to our familiar culture. We will be continuing our support raising and our ideal situation would be to live in an area that will compliment our needs during support raising. The biggest thing will be figuring out the best area for us to live in during this next phase. We hope to line up housing in the area we decide on.

The next biggest thing is a little more difficult for us to plan and comes in 2 parts. We would appreciate your prayers for us in this decision. First, it was recently suggested that we might want to take our year here in Italy as a test. Test if we still feel called to this ministry, test if we are a fit for the culture, test if this is where we feel God leading us. We have continually felt called and still feel called to serve here in Italy, but it is a different picture actually being able to live in and experience the culture. Ross and I thought that this might be wise advice to heed. Secondly, we have been dedicating ourselves to following the call in our lives for almost 6 years and have been raising funds for the past 3 years. There is a point that we must come to in deciding how long we will continue to raise the funds to go. This is the hardest part for us. We still feel called here to Italy. But, we know this is a reality we must face.

Our goals after returning to the states will be 1) to debrief our year spent in Italy and 2) to determine how long we will continue to support raise and what we will do if the monthly budget has not been met after that time. For many reasons we have come to this decision, even though it has not been an easy one. We have been trusting the Lord’s leading all along the way and will continue to do so. He has never disappointed us or left us. We can only testify to the beautiful picture he has painted in our lives this far. We greatly covet your prayers for us as we pray and listen to the Lord’s leading in our lives.

In regards to donations, please make any checks payable to: 

Batesville Christian Church 


Najmon IFC 

in the memo line.


You can mail any donations to our U.S. address.
P.O. Box 8
Batesville, IN 47006


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C O N T A C T us anytime through E M A I L
Copyright © 2015 Italy For Christ – Najmon, All rights reserved.