The Christians in northwest Myanmar need your help!

The Sixth Annual Kuki Christian Convention

The annual Kuki Christian Convention is a wonderful time for hundreds of poor Christians from all denominations in northwest Myanmar to come together for several days of worship, fellowship, preaching, and teaching. Actually, it is the only time of year that most of these Christians are able to do something like this!
The people who attend our conference live in extreme poverty, lacking even some of the most basic of necessities which we in the West take for granted. Myanmar Hope provides food, transportation, housing, and even medical care when needed. By providing these things, many poor Christians are able to attend and are thus well fed, both spiritually and physically, during the conference.
The Christians of northwest Myanmar also live in deep spiritual poverty. Most are functionally illiterate, and many do not even own a Bible. With no access to books, magazine articles, TV, radio, or Internet, whatever they know or learn about the Bible must come from their preachers and elders. Most of these are barely literate, many have not graduated from high school, and almost none of them have attended any kind of Bible College.
Because of this, the three days and nights of Bible teaching and preaching at our annual Convention is highly anticipated. The people come from miles around (some traveling for days) and sit quietly for hours, from early morning until late at night, soaking in the teaching. In between the teaching sessions there are times of singing, dancing, special music, and cultural activities. And of course, we feed the people three meals a day, including rice, vegetables, beef, and pork. For some of the people attending, these will be the best meals they eat all year.
I mentioned that people from many different denominations will attend the convention. Last year there were over a dozen denominations represented, including both Protestants and Roman Catholics. The denominations included Christian Church, Church of Christ, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, United Pentecostal, Salvation Army, Seventh Day Adventist, and more. Our conventions stress Christian unity, love for one another, and working together as the Body of Christ to reach the majority Buddhist country for Jesus Christ. We stress that we are all Christians first, and there are no mentions of sectarian issues during our short time together. Our Biblical foundation for this year’s convention is Philippians 2:1-5.
Our convention last year, which was held around Christmas time and was attended by around six hundred people, cost just over $10,000. This year we expect a couple hundred more, and possibly as many as one thousand people to attend. The increase in number is due to moving the date of the convention to late February, which is in between harvest and planting. Therefore, many more people will be able to attend.
We estimate the total cost of the convention, including food, transportation, housing, and other miscellaneous expenses, to be about $15,000.00. Even though our convention is just over a month away, we still are in need of about $9,000.00 to meet our goal. 

We trust that God will provide, as He has every year up until now. Please pray about helping us to meet the goal so that the poor Christians in northwest Myanmar can experience their much needed and much anticipated annual Kuki Christian Convention.

You generous gift of $20, $50, or even $100 dollars will help ensure that this all-important Christian Convention will continue to meet the spiritual needs of these wonderful believers!

Or, send a check to:
624 Garvey Ln
Chatham, IL 6269
As always, feel free to send us your thoughts and any special prayer requests you may have. The students and staff at Hope Boarding School have prayer time every evening, and they love to pray for our friends and supporters.
Thank you, God bless you, and be at peace!

Charles R. Cherry, Director
Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc.
624 Garvey Lane, Chatham, IL 62629-5086

Phone: 217-415-9187


“You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.” 
– Amy Carmichael, Missionary to India

Copyright © 2016 Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc., All rights reserved.