Merry Christmas!

And Happy New Year!

What a year this has been! So many great things have been accomplished for the people of Myanmar, and it was because of you. Your gifts and prayers, coupled with the grace and power of Almighty God, have done so much good in 2015. 

We recently sent out a request for donations for Village Christmas Meals. Our goal was thirty VCMs for thirty poor villages, churches, and communities in northwest Myanmar and Yangon. You responded generously and blew away our expectations! We now have enough for our original goal, PLUS extra to help provide Christmas meals to the families still living in our flood relief camps! Praise God!

Here are more of the great things which your love gifts have enabled during this past year:

  • Four more churches were rebuilt from the ground up:
    • Canaan Christian Church
    • Joljam Christian Church
    • Tingkaya Christian Church
    • Valpabung Northside Christian Church
  • Important renovations/additions to Hope Boarding School
    • New fire escape for Girls’ Dorm
    • Kitchen renovation/expansion
    • New floor tile in several rooms
    • New clothes dryer
    • New additional water tank for Girls’ Dorm
    • New concrete between the buildings
    • New gas stove and gas tanks
  • New well for Hope Preschool and Namihan Village
  • New playground equipment for Hope Preschool
  • Healing of Thang Len Mang of leukemia!!!!
  • Twenty-one new students for Hope Boarding School
  • Addition of soy milk to HBS childrens’ regular diet
  • Continuation of School to School Partnership with Springfield Christian School and Hope Boarding School
  • Inauguration of our first Sustainable Agriculture Project
    • Six acres (out of 40) cleared and cultivated
    • Five acres of sugar cane, growing great and ready for harvest in about a month
    • One acre of rice, harvested in late November / early December
  • Four new homes built
    • Mr Khai Kho Lun & family (very sick)
    • Mrs Nem Kho Lam & family (Widow)
    • Mr Pum Za Thang (landslide)
    • Mr Hol Kho Let (landslide)
  • Disaster relief for massive flooding in northwest Myanmar
    • Three flood relief camps established for hundreds of families
    • Targeted relief for more than a dozen villages
    • Tens of thousands of dollars in emergency food, temporary shelter, clothing, medical care, electrical power, etc.
  • Inauguration of #Move4Myanmar, a new fundraising campaign initiated by Mrs. Cynthia McGill. This great project raised over $10,000 for Hope Boarding School in just two months!
  • Thirty-eight (38!) Village Christmas Meals for poor villages/churches in northwest Myanmar and Yangon
  • Dozens of poor pastors, families, widows, and the disabled received ongoing food, medical, and housing support
  • 180 new native-language Bibles purchased and distributed
  • A NEW BABY!! Noah Khongsai was born healthy and happy on October 29th, and your love gifts helped pay for quality medical care for Noah and Kikim
  • And more!!!

Wow! Did I say this was a great year? And it’s not even over yet…

We are sending two different teams to Hope Boarding School later this month to bless the kids and the surrounding neighborhood with love and gifts! Please be praying for the Johnson family (Paul, Kimberly, Mitch, Tyler, and Kristi) who will be going first, just before Christmas. Then also pray for the Crater family (Luke, Laura, Jacob, and Adelyn) and Melissa Farley, who will be traveling just after Christmas. Together they are bringing loads of gifts and love to shower on our HBS family. They are planning a VBX, some field trips, and lots of other great fun stuff.

So what else can we say except THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

As you are thinking about your year-end giving and discussing charitable giving with your friends and family, please remember MyHope.

Please consider giving a generous gift before December 31st.

Your gift will help us start the new year in a great way. We have a lot of good projects that still need to be funded, and of course Hope Boarding School, Hope Preschool, Pastor and Family Support, Widow, Orphan, and Disabled Support, Church Leadership Training, and the Khongsai Family need continuous, ongoing support year-round.

Remember that all gifts are 100% tax-deductible and 100% of your gifts are used in the manner in which you specify.

If you want to catch up on all the details of what I mentioned above, you can find all of our past newsletters at our website:

Myanmar Hope Newsletters

Your year-end giving receipt will be sent out in mid-January.

As always, feel free to send us your thoughts and any special prayer requests you may have. The students and staff at Hope Boarding School have prayer time every evening, and they love to pray for our friends and supporters.

God bless you, be at peace, and Merry Christmas!

Charles R. Cherry, Director
Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc.
624 Garvey Lane, Chatham, IL 62629-5086
Phone: 217-415-9187

P.S. MaryAnn and I have not yet sold our house, so we still live at 624 Garvey Ln, and that address will continue to be valid for at least a few months after we move. We will notify everyone as soon as we have moved and have a new address. Thank you for your prayers!

P.P.S Feel free to forward this message to your friends and family!


“You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.” 
– Amy Carmichael, Missionary to India

Copyright © 2015 Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc., All rights reserved.