“You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving.”
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“Worst flooding in memory”

Many people are saying these are the worst floods ever in Myanmar.

You may or may not have heard the news of the epic flooding taking place across Myanmar over the past week. Four days of non-stop torrential rains on top of already saturated ground has led to massive wide-spread floods across parts of Myanmar. Unfortunately, one of the worst areas affected is northwest Myanmar – the very area where many of our churches are located.

Along the main road from Kalaymyo to Tamu, six major bridges have been completely destroyed, cutting the people off from the outside, and also from help from government agencies and aid organizations.

In Canaan Village, over 100 homes were completely swept away, and another 50 have sustained major damage. Many of the towns and villages in Kabaw Valley have experienced much the same.

In Kanmahgyi Village, one woman was stranded up in a tree for two nights, all the while thinking her husband was dead. He was helping her up into the tree when he was swept away by the raging waters. Thank God he was found alive down river. She was also eventually rescued when the water calmed down enough to get a boat out to her.

Food shortages are being reported and the price of staple foods, such as rice, have skyrocketed. A 100 lb bag of rice used to cost $25.00 to $30.00 dollars. Now in some places it is selling for as high as $100.00 a bag. Most people cannot afford such prices and are desperately trying to find food wherever they can.

The people need emergency help right away. They are going to need help recovering and rebuilding, of course, but right now the need is for food, clean water, blankets, mosquito nets, and the like. We have trusted volunteers in the area who know what to do. They only need the resources to do the job. They are waiting anxiously to hear good news from Palal that funds are on the way.

Will you please consider sending an emergency gift of any amount? We are reaching out to everyone we know for help. Your love gift at this time will mean so much to the people of the northwest. They already live in abject poverty. Without help this flood will push many of them over the edge into despair, malnutrition, and even starvation.

You can give online using the donate button below. Please use the “Special Projects” box and indicate in the memo field that your gift is for flood relief. 100% of your gift will go to the people.

You can also send a check to the address listed below. All donations are 100% tax deductible.

Thank you and God bless you!

Charles R. Cherry, Director
Myanmar Hope Christian Mission, Inc.

Web: http://www.myanmarhope.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myanmarhope