One hundred twenty five thousand air miles, six thousand pounds of baggage, two hundred fifty students trained, approximately fifty four pounds of M&M’s consumed by trip participants. These are just a few of our 2016 statistics. It began with a training in Ghana and ended in Myanmar.
Once again, we come to the end of the year and we are amazed at God’s provision. Thousands of people across the globe are hearing the Gospel message because people like you have given their time, skills, and money. For this, we thank you!
Our students take their new skills and their desire to share the life changing message of the Bible to their own area of the globe. They do this in ways we could never do. They know the language and the customs. They don’t have to earn trust, they already have it. They have a love and a vested interest in their neighbors and family members that we don’t have.
These skills not only give them a platform to share the Gospel, they afford them a means to support their families and their local church. They do this by charging a reasonable fee for their services. Time and time again we have seen lives changed as young men and women, with no viable way to support themselves, flourish in their new area of expertise.
This new paradigm in missions- teaching instead of doing- it works. Hundreds of thousands around the globe would testify to that. But the statistic we’re most concerned about is the millions around the globe still waiting for the Good News. You can make a difference. Come with us on a trip, pray for us, or send a donation.
God bless you and Happy New Year!