mPowering sustainable global transformation
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  April 2014  

“You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this!”    

Acts 3:15



Curious                                                        patients   

(Curious patients waiting to be seen)


He is risen! Easter blessings from the mPower Approach team! We serve a risen Savior in a fallen world. The gift of salvation purchased for us on the cross compels us to take His name and His renown to the ends of the earth. This is the reason mPower Approach exists.
As we train national believers in dentistry, medical, leadership, sewing, and vision we are empowering them to use these skills to serve others while sharing the good news of the Gospel. There are eight trips currently on our calendar for 2014. All glory to God!

As we grow and meet Christ followers all over the globe who desire our training, we continue to search for new avenues to raise funds. We are amazed by the many ways God has chosen to provide.

Several months ago an mPower Approach employee got married. In lieu of wedding gifts she and her fiancé, one of our very own dentists, suggested donations be made to mPower Approach. What a blessing it has been as we not only received financial gifts but many new people have learned about mPower Approach and a different way to do missions.
Recently, an individual inquired about transferring marketable securities to mPower Approach. After some quick work, we opened an mPower Approach’s brokerage account and were able to accept this generous donation. We’re thanking God for yet another creative way to partner with us in the work the Lord is doing around the world through mPower Approach!
Another inventive way the Lord has provided is through one of our dentists who is writing a book. He has designated his speaking fees from promoting his book to mPower Approach.
Additionally, we are participating with the Amazon Smiles program. Any Amazon purchases that qualify can be designated to mPower Approach.

As you can see, God can use many different ways to accomplish His purposes. Have a few odd stocks laying around? We will take them! Online shopping? Don’t forget us! Throwing a party but don’t need any gifts… we do! You get the point. Please partner with us as we endeavor to fund our part in the Great Commission.

Trip Schedule
Myanmar: July 18-27, 2014
Dental, Vision, Dental Hygiene

Ghana: September 20-28, 2014
Dental, Restorative, Vision, Sewing

Iganga, Uganda: October 10-19, 2014
Dental, Vision, Medical, Children’s Program
Namutamba, Uganda: October 10-19, 2014

Southeast Asia: October 2014
Denture Training Site Visit
Northeast India: Nov. 29-Dec. 7, 2014
Chad: February 2015

Southeast Asia: March 2015
Oral Health Prevention Project, Vision, Wound Care, Motor Cycle Repair, Hair Cutting

If you are interested in participating in a trip or scheduling
a training, please simply reply to this email or call our office at 502-544-9031.

mPower Approach
106 North Watterson Trail ● Louisville, KY 40243
502-544-9031 ●