Dear Morning Glory Family:   We are ten days from sending a $16,000.00 wire and checks for June to Morning Glory, and our bank account is right at $14,000.00 short as of today. I am praying that my heavy hitters will step up to the plate and bless us with checks and that you all will pray for a miracle from God for June, July and August.  Dean and I are working on a program to reach 200 new churches in the United States in 2015 and 2016; however, for 2014 we are running short of commitment and money. A few of our friends are wanting us to spend money we don't have for programs that we don't need right now, and I am standing firm on seeing that Morning Glory's no fat budget is made first; if it were not for the Guatemala Christian family at Morning Glory that are now paying one fourth of the monthly budget on campus, we would really be in trouble.  The Youth teaching book, "Escaping the Volcano," is coming along really well, and I am looking for a number of businesses, churches and individuals that will sponsor a page with a greeting or an advertisement; the prices run from $300.00 for  full page, $150.00 for a half page, and $75.00 for a quarter page and $50.00 for a fourth page with delayed billing until August 30th, 2014. Or a sponsor for the whole $4,000.00 for the printing of 200 books by SAEM in October of this year. The book will be accompanied with a DVD and printable pages for smaller churches without computers and printer set ups. This will Include puzzles, Spanish lessons, and so much more for year around youth programs.  Can you help? Love//Herb Pinney 1.575.650.3915  NIMA PO Box 15133 Las Cruces, NM 88004-5133