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 San Raymundo, Guatemala
October 22nd, 2016


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If this article seems familiar, keep reading! We ran a similar article last year right about this time of year.  However, this year’s edition includes big news for Morning Glory that everyone should be aware of!
     Currently, Morning Glory Christian Academy functions as three schools under one dream and vision.  The ministry of education in Guatemala dictates that Pre-Primary, Primary, and Secondary schools must be registered separately. That’s why every school that has Kindergarten and 6th grade students holds a graduation even though the students stay at the campus.  They are being promoted to the next level of education.

     In all of Guatemala, the next level of education after Secondary School is called Diversified School. True to it’s name, this is where a student can choose from various “tracks” to either become certified in a field or take the next step to university.  Many students will choose the certification tracks.  That route will lead them to being public accountants, bilingual secretaries, tour guides, and others occupations.  Many schools that offer Diversified offer different tracks.  If a San Raymundo student wants a track not offered in their community, they have to travel to Guatemala City or another, closer area to pursue the field they choose.

     If a student wants to pursue a University degree later on so they can enter into their desired field, they can choose a pre-university track in Diversified.  There are many options for students who choose this course of study. There are tracks that offer a diploma like Medicine, Lawyer, Engineering, and many more that form a list too long to write out here.  Upon graduation from these tracks, students are ready to enter the University, whether it be public or private.

Morning Glory Secondary School graduating class of 2016
     This year WE HAVE BIG NEWS!!!  Morning Glory will be opening Diversified School in 2017.  We are so grateful to God for the opportunity we have been waiting for, but at the same time, we have some big challenges.  We have to get a lot of logistics ready: what kind of elective classes will we offer?  What teachers can teach this new level of education?  What is the best way to disciple these young adults?  Lori still has several decisions to make.  

    Lori, Heyson, and Tabi have decided several things already.  We know that we are hoping to have 60-70 students.  We will be offering a Computer Certification, which our students can use to fill their prerequisite for the University.  Over time, Morning Glory will expand it’s options and offer more careers.  Lori’s policy of getting one phase right before going to the next is still very much our intention.  We know the Diversified students will go from 1- 6pm, expanding our school day.  Secondary School will have an extended day, going from 7:45-2pm.  

    So, with all the adjustments and growth into uncharted territory for Morning Glory.  We haven’t even mentioned one of the biggest challenges.  WE NEED HELP!  We ask you to be praying for us, and the opportunities we have to build into a brand new generation.  We ask you to pray for guidance for Lori, Heyson, and all the leaders as they made some hards callas.  Pray that God will lead Lori to choose exactly what He wants her to in all things.  But we also have to ask for more help.  Lori has to make the numbers work.  We have to pay teachers.  A bigger budget means more opportunities for the students.  We need to grow out budget to support growing the population we minister to.  We ask you to be the provision the students need to continue their academic and spiritual education at Morning Glory.   God has opened a very important door for many students in the San Raymundo area. Will you help them walk through it?

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Prayers! Continued prayers for Herb Pinney, as he undergoes some medical treatments. Pray that God will bring in students for Diversified School whose hearts and minds are eager to learn and grow for Christ. Pray that the students and teachers will make good choices during their break.
Praises!  We thank God for completing the school year.  Lori made sure this year was a step in the right direction.  We praise God and say “Congratulations” to Professor Fransisco’s for his accomplishment in earning a University degree.  We praise God for the chance to go to ICOM again this year. God has been so good to Morning Glory!
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2016 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.