San Raymundo, Guatemala
November 24th, 2016


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     Today we want to join millions of people in the US and take a look at what God has done at Morning Glory this year.  We want take the opportunity to remember some of the amazing things God has done for usand we hope you will join with us in praising Him.

     We also invite you to tell the world about what God has done in your life this year.  Using #MyMGStory2016, post on social media how God has proven His goodness to you.

     Year after year, God adds to our cup at Morning Glory.  He gives us more: More opportunities, more trials, more rewards, and sometimes almost more than we can handle. However, 2016 was a year different from the rest and we have so much to be thankful for.
     First and foremost, we are so thankful for Lori’s return. You have probably seen pictures, but believe us, the pictures aren’t able to capture the complete transformation.  Because of her incredible improvement in her health, Lori had more energy, more fire, more creativity, and more drive compared to years in the past.  It has been a long time since the students and staff at the school have been pushed that hard to excellence.  Lori has a renewed body and a renewed outlook on where Morning Glory is going and where we should go.  Lori put in more hours with more passion than we have seen in a long time.  For those of you praying for a miracle, you should know that God came through in 2016 and we couldn’t thank Him more.
Lori and her grand daughter, Melody
        Morning Glory is growing. And it’s not just the student population!  Miss Melina, Miss Vicki, Rob, William, and Juan José all saw their families grow with new babies this year.  We saw the addition of Mara, Jordi, and Miss Celeste to the staff of Morning Glory.  We also are very thankful that Prof. Kevin rejoined us in the classrooms in 2016.

     As mentioned in a previous update, God has enabled Morning Glory to add more classes next year! We couldn’t be more excited to offer a Computer degree to another age group.  Not only will we be able to offer a quality education with the use of our computer lab, which is more equipped than many schools in the area, we will also be able to keep working to instill our Core Values on a new level with the older students. Keep watching for details on how we are impacting even more students for Our Lord, who has been so good to us!

Top: Iker (son of Miss Meli)
2nd row, pink hat: Liam (son of Miss Vicki)
2nd row, right: Arleth (son of Prof Juan Jose)
3rd row, left: Jared (son of Prof William)
3rd row, right David (aka Chunk Norris; son of Rob)
Morning Glory Staff 2016
      Although God proved his graciousness to us day in and day out at Morning Glory so that our blessings are too numerous to count, we are thankful for the people that came alongside us to minister to our students. We are thankful for our short-term groups and volunteers who taught the Word, showed God’s love, and even improved our campus. Our team of interns was just as strong as any we have had in the past. All of our visitors left our school a better place than they found it every time they came.
   We are so thankful to Curtis Lake Church for printing quality materials for us to take to ICOM, where Dean and Rob made old and new connections.  We are praying that these connections will lead to more interns and groups to come and connect with our students.
     Finally, we are thankful to YOU! You have made everything we do possible with your prayers and gifts.  Morning Glory is only able to grow and prosper because you have chosen to partner with us for the benefit of the San Raymundo community.  We hope you will continue to invest in the future of Guatemala by supporting us monthlysponsorship, and by giving to our Christmas List.
   We pray for blessings to you and your loved one as we express our gratitude to God all he has done for us this year.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good…” Psalm 34:8

Morning Glory at ICOM 2016
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