San Raymundo, Guatemala
June 9th, 2016
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     If you are reading this, then you are a part of, well, us. If you are reading this, you most likely have heard of us, have come and visited us, asked to know more about us, or have already become a partner with us. If you are reading this, you call yourself friend, family, supporter, ambassador, or prayer warrior with us and for us. You are in some way a part of the Morning Glory Story. 
    Make no mistake. This isn’t a cute slogan to give you a pat on the back. It’s a way of reminding you that in some way, you are investing in the dream of Morning Glory: to be the catalyst for life change, creating self-determining young men and women who are confident, responsible, Christ-followers of the highest integrity. The thing is, there are almost 700 of them.  And we are desperate for more. 

     You have to remember, Morning Glory isn’t just about teaching some classes, handing out diplomas, and going home satisfied. We are about changes in hearts, minds, and souls.  We are about the bratty, “up to no good” boys who have spent the last two weeks working diligently because they are properly motivated by a prize: a plastic trophy for the best worker. For the first time, they believe in themselves. Morning Glory is about the young lady caught up in a sex trafficking ring who is now in the process of being rescued because Lori and her staff pay attention and listen to the students here. Morning Glory is about Jordi (grey vest in the 2nd picture below), who was in “that group” of young men who often made bad decisions and led others to do the same. Jordi, though no longer a student, comes in his work uniform everyday to help Lori and Milton manage the daily life of the school.  For the first time, Jordi is a leader for positive change for the other students enrolled (and even some of the teachers).

     The three examples mentioned above have happened in the last two weeks.  We haven’t even mentioned what goes on in the classrooms; how teachers talk to and pray with their students to guide them in the ways their parents can’t or won’t.  The Morning Glory Story happens when a teacher turns to me in Bible Class and says “I love this. I learn more here than I do in church!” The Morning Glory Story happens when young men and young women are taught to stand up for themselves and recognize what is right. The Morning Glory Story happens when kids learn to pray, learn to analyze, and learn to lead, not just follow.  And that same Story repeats itself everyday in every classroom at Morning Glory.  

    And here’s where you come in. You’ve probably heard of the tiers of missions; about how every missional venture need three things: goers, givers, and prayers.  Every year we get more people interested in coming to Morning Glory. Every year, more people accept the open invitation.  The goers are coming. Since it’s hard to quantify, we can only hope that the prayers are going up by now, it’s no secret, so let’s just say what NIMA’s leadership is thinking: Our goers are having trouble because there’s a shortage with our givers. We are so far behind, Lori is seriously considering cutting programs and personnel. What else can we do? Lori can’t make offers and commitments that she can’t complete.

     So which role will you take today? Can you help us bridge the financial gap? Will you help us keep the Morning Glory Story at full power so the students can have access to all of the opportunities we wish to provide? Maybe you are a prayer, but you haven’t given in a while. Almost 700 students need the help. Maybe you are a giver. Can you help a little more so we can get ahead? Maybe you want to be a goer. Please come. But don’t neglect the need that remains. When you give to Morning Glory, you are investing in the lives of almost 700 students and THEY will be blessed.  Jesus clearly said that in giving to the least of these, you are giving to Him.  Jesus, Paul, and other disciples relied on the gifts of others to complete their ministries.  If you need more, read Philippians 4:10 to see how much easier Paul was able to minister when he had his needs met. We have a need and it is not a small one. We are engaging the culture and the kids. We need ALL of Morning Glory’s help. In prayer, in action, in support, YOU are Morning Glory too. Please help us meet the needs of these students and disciples.
– Rob Courtney
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Prayers!  We ask you to join us in praying for the extended Nij family who have lost a loved one.  We ask for prayers for health for a family member of some of our teachers.  Pray for the general health of all of our students and staff as the weather begins to change and colds are very common.  Pray that the interns will have strength and wisdom as they serve the Casas for Cristo groups and our students.  Pray for the Dockery family as they adjust to their new home in Guatemala.  As stated above, Morning Glory has a real need.  We ask you to pray with us that God will move givers to help us meet that need and expand our program.
Praises! Lori reports that many of the students’ grades have improved since their last report card! Praise God for those successes.  We are thankful for 5 interns (with more to come) who are doing an awesome job.  We rejoice for the numerous baptisms that Strong Tower Christian Church will be performing within the week. We thank God for the safe arrival of Pete & Abigail Dockery and their family with Cassas por Cristo. We praise God for the numerous groups that will be coming in the next couple months.
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2016 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.