San Raymundo, Guatemala
December 5th, 2015


As many of you know, 2015 was a year for the history books.  It was a very unique year, but instead of telling you about it, we want to show you. All of this was made possible by gifts and donations by all of our supporters. So we thank YOU for all that you can see below!
We hope you enjoyed seeing what God has provided and you have helped create in 2015. But the work is not done!  Unfortunately, we are behind $10,000 on budget for this month. December is a critical time for Morning Glory. Lori uses the December money to finish up expenses for the year and get a very important head start for 2016. Please help us finish the year strong and make 2016 even better!   
-Herb Pinney
Click here to contribute to the need!
Praises! We thank God for two more teachers that have finished their University degrees in education, bringing the total at Morning Glory to four! We praise God for His provision in November and Lori’s continued healing.
Prayers! Please be in prayer for the final stages of Lori’s treatment as she begins to use the body suit.  Pray for timely provision in December and 2015.  Pray for wisdom for Lori as she makes difficult decisions in regards to the finances in the future. 
Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2015 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.