Morning Glory Primary School Teachers 2017
School starts this Monday!  All age groups will be starting classes this week.  Please be pray for the students and teachers as they get organized and welcome the children to Morning Glory. 

“A new year, a new idea”

     It’s not secret that Morning Glory exists to write love, confidence, and hope into the Stories of the children of the San Raymundo area. The Biblical command to teach and train children is obvious. The kids make it so easy with plentiful hugs, bright smiles, and contagious energy.  But Morning Glory’s vision is to be a “catalyst for life change” in the community, not just in a school. While we are participating in programs to build houses, train midwives, and teach pastors, there is one huge ministry opportunity that we often overlook:  the teachers!  Don’t get us wrong, we love the teacher training sessions we get with groups, but let’s be honest: once a year isn’t enough to show our staff how much they mean to us and the effect they can have on the next generation.

     In our efforts to feed Jesus’s precious sheep, we can’t forget the shepherds. Our Lord knew the importance of mentoring qualified leaders while ministering to “the least of these.”  Even stretching back to the Hebrew nation when Moses appointed judges to help him manage the people as they pursued God, there is an obvious pattern and useful truth.  It’s a truth the most successful programs use today and it centers on honing in and developing leaders to carry on the vision. Lori and the leadership Morning Glory want to make 2018 a year where we invest in and mentor our up-and-coming leaders so they can more fully minister to the students and the community outside the walls that surround our campus.

[We] want to make 2018 a year where we invest in and mentor our up-and-coming leaders

     That’s why Lori has started the year with daily devotions. Not only that, she is holding monthly meetings where the staff will come in early for mentoring and discipleship.  Lori wants to pour into the front line of our Kingdom workers. Lori has even designed the schedule and pay scale to push our staff to reach it’s full potential.

     But that’s not all. We want to ask YOU to help us help them. Child sponsorship has been an impactful part of our program and it’s an incredible blessing to the families and children that know they have a special friend from another country that loves them whole-heartedly. So the idea came to us:  Why not expand this same encouragement and support to those that spend so much time and energy pouring into our ministry? So we decided to expand the sponsorship program. Now, in addition to looking for sponsors for the students, we are looking for people to sponsor the teachers.

We want to ask YOU to help us help them

“Sponsor a child, change a life.
Sponsor a teacher and change a generation

     Teacher sponsorship offers you the chance to support and encourage a teacher or staff member with flexible donations, letters and notes of encouragement, and some accountability for the teacher. Yes, we are always looking for more funds to hire and improve our staff, but teacher sponsorship is more than that. It is about forming a relationship. Teacher sponsorship allows individuals and groups connect and pour into another Kingdom worker who is responsible for training the leaders of the future all while providing for the needs of the teacher, and Morning Glory. If you’d like more information, but don’t want to commit just yet, click on the button below. If you want to go ahead and get started, click on the “email Rob” button below.

     We hope and pray you will join with us to make sure our teachers are getting spiritually and emotionally fed so they can in turn minister to our young ones who are desperately seeking a shepherd. 

Click here to get more information!
Click here to Email Rob and get started on teacher sponsorship
Praises! We are so excited for the school year.  We know this year will be special!  We thank God for every teacher and student.  We are especially grateful for the chapel that is coming our way.  You can see the details here!
Prayers! The day is coming!  We are starting classes next week! Pray for ready and hopeful attitudes and expectations. Pray that all the staff will see the children through God’s eyes and be able to help heal their hearts and feed their minds
Morning Glory is a division of NIMA
Copyright © 2018 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:

New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy

PO Box 15133

Las CrucesNM 88004-5133