Today we would like to give you a view of what a school day actually looks like for our students. No matter how much we write and publish, there is nothing like seeing the kids in their classes. We hope you enjoy this video and remember: you can always be a part of the Morning Glory Story. Contact us to find out how.
We dedicate this video to everyone that has come, is praying for us, and supports us in any way. Than you for making this dream come true for so many students in Guatemala.
Praises! We thank God for all the teachers and staff that work with us. We are thankful that everyone at school is now in their places and we can focus in on being a better school and better persons for our kids.
Prayers! Please pray for the short-term groups of Morning Glory and Casas por Cristo while they use their gifts and abilities to share love with our community. Pray for the safety, wisdom, and strength for everyone that is going to serve.