San Raymundo, Guatemala
July 5th, 2015


Let’s talk about the Future
By Herb and Dean Pinney

     The recent events with Lori’s health and the fact that she will soon be in her sixties has caused many of our partners and supporters concern for the future of Morning Glory Christian Academy. In addition, the health concerns and aging of our President and founder of the New Iberian Mission Association, Herb Pinney have some wondering what will happen if and when either, or both of these two servants are called home for their eternal reward. This is a fair and genuine concern. Perhaps if we were to pull back the curtain, just a little more, you can see that long before you were concerned…we were making plans.
     In 2006, Dean Pinney (then Vice President of NIMA) visited the campus to create a library of videos to raise money and interest for the mission. Dean recognized that this “little” ministry was no longer a “little” ministry and that it was going to require a lot more oversight in the near and constant future. He decided to train himself in education and completed a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management.  But in an effort to give God the excellence His work deserves, Dean continued studying and is currently  waiting approval to move into his experimental phase of his dissertation in a specialized doctorate program, which includes emphasis on business psychology, educational leadership, mediation, conflict resolution, and non-profit management; his declared specialty is Executive Coaching.  While currently on the Board of Directors as Executive Director of Organizational Relations, Dean wants to use his education to earn the role of President of NIMA in time.
     But that’s not all that was set in motion over nine years ago. At that time NIMA focused on seeking and training candidates to work as an apprentice to Lori, learning all aspects of the ministry and the minutia that accompanies it. We know God is already preparing this person and others to accept, join in, and one day propel Lori’s dream even further than she can accompany it. We have had several candidates and are currently seeking others.  We revamped the organizational construct of the New Iberian Mission Association to include new and different directors who brought a broader scope of expertise into the ministry. We are so excited to unveil this select group of men who are all experts in the fields in which they work and teach and who bring a diverse and dynamic perspective to this ministry.  
    In the same way, we applied a methodology to the church-planting wing of NIMA’s effort in San Raymundo. Queno has been incredibly effective in planting churches, training ministers, and leading by example. We have a number of new churches that have already been established and an even larger number waiting for the funding and the training. We are currently aggressively seeking an apprentice for Queno in the area of evangelism and church management. The churches that have been planted are blooming and growing so fast we can hardly keep up with their needs. We have asked, and are expecting, churches in America to commit to build a church building in Guatemala where their legacy can break out of territorial boundaries and help reach the lost world with the saving message of Jesus Christ. We believe your church will be blessed beyond belief when you selflessly invest in God’s greater kingdom church. Our work at Morning Glory Christian Academy is a complementary part of what God has given us a vision for as we can also provide these students with a bible church near their homes where than can connect and grow in their faith.
     It will take Lori months to return to full time work at Morning Glory Christian Academy. We are already prepared for that. We have leadership in place, and have had for a year, who are prepared for Lori’s absence and are doing a fantastic job of running the school and leading the ministry. Our groups who have recently visited the campus have witnessed that first hand. But we need YOUR help. We have committed to making sure every designated dollar goes where it was intended by the giver. That leaves us with the dilemma of how to pay the unexpected medical bills that Lori has accumulated during this time. She made private arrangements to borrow the money that is due, but she is counting on YOUR help to pay it back. I am asking you, if you have ever wanted to know how to bless Lori back, you can send a generous donation designated to “Lori’s Medical Fund” to NIMA, or online at, or It’s time we followed her lead and gave selflessly to enable her to get back to work saving the world, one smiling, seeking child at a time.  We wanted to lay out a challenge for 100 individuals and 5 churches. But why?  Why limit God to 100 when 200 is in His (and your) possibilities?  We simply ask you all to give so that Lori can focus on the future of Morning Glory free of past debts.


     Dean is currently in San Raymundo and delivered Lori the mobility device that was so generously provided by many of you, and to see first-hand where we need to improve, change, or continue the course. Rest assured, Morning Glory Christian Academy, the church plants, and our partnership with Casas por Cristo will continue on long after all of us have received our rewards if the Lord decides to postpone his coming that long.
     Hopefully, you have made arrangements to be at the July 30th meeting in Grapevine, TX. This is your chance to hear much more about all of this and to ask questions and share concerns. There is so much more coming to this ministry than I can discuss in this report. You will hear of a thousand-seat auditorium which will double as a safe-refuge during natural and human disasters. You will hear about a new library, a new student center, a new arts complex, a new college and so much more. You will hear about a plan to educate and equip 100 new indigenous ministers over the next five years to lead these new church plants and to evangelize the entire country of Guatemala. And so much more.
     May God bless each of you and may He shine His face upon you, and may your darkest hour be eclipsed by the Light of His Love.

Dear Friends and Supporters of Morning Glory.     

We cordially invite you to a banquet to discuss the future of NIMA’s plans for the future on July 30th. A public meeting will proceed the banquet in Grapevine, TX at 2:30pm. The dinner begins at 5pm and features Ted Smith (World Impact-Dallas) as our speaker. You can reserve a table of 6 chairs for $150 and an individual seat for $25. Seating is limited.  You can reserve your seat by contacting Herb Pinney at or calling 575-647-2168.  Please make your reservations by July 15th 2015.

Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2015 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.
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New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy

PO Box 15133

Las Cruces, NM 88004-5133