Greetings!  As we close out the year at GNPI we want to extend you warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We know that 2014 holds much excitement in store. At GNPI, we’re planning to do more than ever to help share the Gospel around the world in culturally relevant ways through media and technology.
Among all the programs and initiatives we’ve undertaken during the past year, it’s hard to single out just one that I could say is our hallmark effort. Whether content production through our regional centers, the distribution of Solar Kits for missionaries or nationals throughout the world, or amazing programs like The Global Gospel , God is using it all to draw more and more people to him. But even though I can’t pick my favorite, let me dwell on this last program for just a moment.
Many years ago the seed of The Global Gospel (TGG) was planted, and now, within the last few years, it has started to grow into a wonderful crop that we believe God will multiply exponentially. In fact, if you’ve been around any of our messages for even a short length of time you know that throughTGG , when we’re finished with the world’s top 25 languages, we’ll have the ability to reach 3.6 billion Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and others who need Jesus!
I want to tell you a story that, to me, illustrates just how God is working in the ministry of GNPI to reach real people with the message of Christ. He does it in such amazing ways!
In the Fall, I had the privilege of traveling to Damoh, India, for a conference that drew pastors, evangelists, and believers from far and wide. About 1,000 people joined together to be encouraged, trade ideas, and celebrate the common faith and work we have in Christ.
It was an extra meeting, though – not part of the conference – that would emerge as one of my most memorable moments from the year. A professional actor who had recorded the Urdu language version of TGG wanted to meet with me and share the impact the program had made on him, just by reading the words of Jesus through the script of the recording he performed.
This Muslim man who, to my knowledge, still hasn’t accepted Christ as his Savior, met with me and shared about how learning about the life of this Jesus through TGG was changing him. Muslims believe that Jesus was real and that he was a prophet, but this man was starting to see even more of the man behind the words he had so skillfully read.  He said, “I now believe this Isa (Jesus) is so much more than a prophet.”
Continue to pray for this man, that the Holy Spirit would draw him and change his life for all eternity!  Friends, this story, to me, is just a microcosm of what God is doing through the work you so faithfully support on a regular basis through your prayers and gifts.  And it’s that support that will carry us into, what I believe will be our most impacting year yet!
Will you make a year-end gift now to help us move forward with great momentum? Simply click on this link: Donate Now! and help us with a $50, $150, or $250 contribution to help us accelerate the spread of the Gospel in 2014!
One of the ways we’re planning to do that is through the expansion of our App development efforts. Did you know that India, a nation of 1 billion people, has more than 1.2 billion cell phones?  Did you know in places like Africa, where there aren’t many internet cafes or personal computers, more and more people have personal cell phones?  Or that there will be a large increase in solar-powered cell phones in the very near future?  
In India, just in the last quarter of this year alone, more than 51,000 people had access to TGG through all of our distribution channels. We expect up to 1,000,000 to view these programs next year.  And that’s just in India!  We have eight other regional centers that are all busy producing content and making plans to double their efforts to reach even more.  And, our NOMaD project is on the verge of explosion, with trainings planned for new parts of the world, enhanced equipment, and an adjusted strategy that will give us maximum impact with less risk.  
God is bringing so much together. You may have already received your copy in the mail, but I hope you’ll take the time to read through the many things we’ve accomplished this year in our newly released ministry report: 2013 Ministry Report.
I could write much, much more about what God’s doing at GNPI. We’re unveiling a new look in 2014, which is really symbolic of a new day in this ministry – your ministry. I hope you can sense my excitement. Pray for us as we rise to meet the challenge of an annual budget increase next year of more than $500,000. Our prayer team, Group 5.16, is going to be featured weekly in a new electronic publication we’ll soon be sending your way.  Also, consider joining us for one of our upcoming Vision Nights in Joplin, Indianapolis, or Phoenix.
We need your continued support, and we’re trusting God to bring us the increase we need to tackle App development, increased production in our regional centers, completion of our goals for The Global Gospel, and effective grassroots production through project NOMaD.  Will you pray about helping us today with your best possible gift?    Donate Now!
I am overwhelmed at the daily prayers and notes of encouragement we receive from so many of you. As Christmas fast approaches, we’re counting our blessings, among which you are some of the greatest.  We’re celebrating the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who took the form of a baby, walked among us, and gave us new life.  
Thanks again for your partnership in the Gospel.  We couldn’t do what we do without you.
Mike Schrage
Executive Director
Good News Productions, International

P. S.  Gifts postmarked by December 31stare tax-deductible.  In-kind gifts like stock and charitable IRA proceeds can benefit both you and GNPI.  If you’d like to make a year-end gift of assets, please feel free to call my personal cell phone (417.529.6554 ), and I will be happy to help you.


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