CMF International News



More fire-fighting equipment is on the way to Nairobi

Posted: 31 Jul 2014 11:43 AM PDT

A second container of fire-fighting equipment and other supplies is on its way to Missions of Hope and the fire departments of Nairobi, Kenya, thanks to the efforts of fireman Dave Moore and Lifespring Christian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Africa Fire Mission, the Cincinnati, Ohio, based non-profit started by Dave to provide high-quality fire-fighting equipment and training for fire departments in Africa, packed and shipped the container of equipment this past weekend. Volunteers from Lifespring Church and various fire departments across Ohio and Kentucky gathered at the facilities of Master Provisions in Florence, Ky., to assist the staff there with the loading and packing.

“Almost everything in the container is going to Missions of Hope,” Dave said. “In addition to the fire-fighting equipment, we have medical supplies from FAME, sewing machines, clothes for the kids at the Joska School, child sponsorship packets, welders, wood working equipment, beading supplies, musical instruments, and concordances and other ministry items requested by MoHI.”

The container also holds three pallets of medical supplies that will be delivered to two other health clinics in Nairobi that are supported by FAME.

“Since there was extra room in the container, we were happy to use the space to get them the supplies they needed, too,” said Dave.

Africa Fire Mission provided all the fire-fighting equipment and FAME provided the vast majority of the medical supplies, although some items were provided by churches, as well.

“In addition to Lifespring, we had churches from Kansas, Illinois, Arizona and California send supplies to us in Cincinnati to be a part of the container shipment,” said Dave. “Our organization and Lifespring Church, with the help of some other churches, organization and individuals, provided the $16,000 in shipping costs for the container.”

The container is scheduled to arrive in Nairobi in early October, but won’t return to the U.S. MoHI is purchasing the container and will use it for storage of farm equipment at the Joska School.

“A team from Africa Fire Mission and Lifespring Church will arrive in Nairobi at the end of October to distribute the supplies and officially donate the fire equipment to the Nairobi Fire Department,” said Dave. “We are just so thankful for the individuals, churches, fire departments, communities, organizations, and missions that have made this year’s container a reality!”