CMF International News



Missionary physician offers perspective on Ebola epidemic

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 08:37 AM PDT

CMF missionaries in Africa are carefully watching the Ebola epidemic unfold in West Africa, none more so than Dr. Suja Brane, who serves with her husband Tom and three children in Burkina Faso.

“We want to address the concern that some of you have expressed regarding our personal health,” wrote Dr. Brane in a newsletter to friends and partners yesterday. “As of today, there have been no cases of Ebola in Burkina Faso, but we do acknowledge that can change any day.”

Suja notes that movies about epidemics and the constant, sensationalized news coverage is causing many to be concerned, but that she and her family are closely following the recommendations of the CDC, WHO and the U.S. embassy.

“We are not taking Ebola lightly,” she adds. “However, we do want to reiterate that the risk for us contracting Ebola is very, very low. Though it is a high infectivity disease (meaning, if exposed to the virus, there is a high likelihood of acquiring the disease), it is NOT a highly contagious disease (meaning, it is not easily transmitted from one person to the next).

“Ebola is a very scary, terrifying disease for many reasons. But it is not a mysterious disease that we know nothing about. We know how it is spread and the things that one can do to protect oneself from being exposed to it. We are taking all the necessary precautions needed to avoid coming in contact with the Ebola virus should it come to Burkina. Honestly, we feel at ease about being here in West Africa. We are not afraid or the least bit concerned about ourselves acquiring Ebola.”

However, Suja requests that we continue to pray for the situation.

“We greatly appreciate your continued prayers for the people who are suffering from this terrible disease, for the medical personnel on the front line caring for the sick, and for a quick end to this epidemic,” she said. “We always covet your prayers for our health and safety from not just Ebola, but all the other exciting diseases that seem to thrive here.

“We are so thankful you are each a part of this journey with us as we strive to make our LORD’s glory known to the ends of the earth.”


Florida church provides retreat program for Asia missionaries

Posted: 12 Aug 2014 06:39 AM PDT

A team from Generations Christian Church, Trinity, Florida, recently traveled to a resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to lead a retreat for CMF missionaries and Marketplace Ministries workers who serve in countries in Asia.

Greg Johnson, senior pastor of GCC, and his wife, Becky, are former CMF missionaries, and served as leaders of the traveling team. Greg was the main speaker at the event while Becky organized the logistics of the GCC team’s trip and the music at the retreat.

Noelle Peterson, the elementary minister at GCC, organized the program for the group’s children. Patti Templeton, GCC’s outreach minister, coordinated the purchase of gifts for all the Asia partners and served with Noelle in the children’s programming.

Charity Walker Byers, a psychologist with Blessing Ranch, shared speaking slots with Greg Johnson and offered counseling to individuals and families during the retreat.