CMF International News



Missionaries report the ‘good news’ from Kenya

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 07:45 AM PDT

Kenya has been in the news lately due to explosions in markets and on buses, but CMF missionary Dori Cazier wants us to know also about the many good things happening in Kenya right now.


“As I write this, for example, a work/teaching team from First Christian Church, Decatur, Ill., is on the way to Kenya,” she reports. “They will base at the Kajiado Training Center to construct a much-needed home for the manager and family, move a tin structure on site to become a guard house at the entrance gate, frame solar panels and build shelves at a medical clinic. Others will teach pastors and grades 4-6 at a school. We hope others of you will come to experience the rich culture of Kenya, the gracious hospitality of its people, and let God do a work beyond our wildest dreams!”


Here is more good news from Kenya, shared by Dori:

1. The first permanent church building constructed totally and completely without financial assistance from CMF has been built in Mbitin. This congregation’s first building was built in a low area and suffered structural damage over the years. Because a church can receive CMF assistance for a church building only once, the area churches raised funds together to relocate this church to a new site. This is truly a day for rejoicing in the ongoing maturity of Community Christian Church (CCC) and celebrating with these believers.


2.  In the same area, 400 men and women gathered to pray and celebrate another new church building made of tin. Since the little tin church could not hold all these people, they worshiped and prayed outside. Then 16 key community leaders gave their lives to follow Jesus. In May this area ordained two pastors.


3.  In other areas of Maasailand there has been revival and baptisms and new churches planted. 


4.  God moved mightily once again in the April Women’s Conference. Held on the side of a hill in a small church made of tin with a dirt floor, God met the women there! In the evening services so many people came they had to meet outside and sit on the hillside. One who practices witchcraft renounced her ways, burned her paraphernalia, and asked Jesus to be Lord of her life. Another who made homemade brew for sale gave her life to Jesus and has no desire to continue her business. At last year’s conference, four barren women asked for prayer to have babies, and two of them brought their babies this year to the conference and the other two were too pregnant to travel! Thirty women came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and young people who had run away returned home. The women leaders fasted and prayed for God to show up at their conference this year and He did, beyond what they could imagine!


5. To strengthen the CCC leaders in accountability and transparency with financial matters, four financial training seminars are being held in various locations and taught by a Kenyan to Kenyans. The CCC leaders appreciate a clearer understanding of budgeting, good record keeping, reporting, and other financial matters.


6.  CMF missionaries and several key CCC leaders came together for a Partnership Training Seminar. God is growing up His church in Kenya and our team is moving to “partnering” rather than “parenting.”