You can make a difference – for the people of Vanuatu, our family, and eternity. God is using your prayers and financial gifts to further His Kingdom. Thank you!


F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E
We are right in the middle of a VISTA module as I write this note to you all. It has been a good two weeks to this point. This module contains the last Hebrew language sessions that the Mother Tongue Translators will do in the four years of the program. In their Hebrew class they have been working to create a Hebrew/local language dictionary. They are also drafting the book of Jonah, three chapters from Isaiah, and one from Jeremiah. This week we have partners from Global Recording Network here helping to record audio versions of Genesis 1:1 – 12:9. So far this has been a great module! 

This is the first module that we have been able to hold here at the “compound” where our house is. All of the MTTs have been very positive about the location. We enjoy getting to spend more time with them during tea breaks and lunch time. (Lauren enjoys having extra people watch–and praise–her gymnastics!) We thank God that He provided this location for us and we look forward to ways that we can continue to utilize this blessing.

Once this module concludes one of our families will be heading back to the States for home assignment. The rest of us will miss the Ohrenbergs’ experience, language knowledge, and insights. Join us in praying for them as they transition to living in the States. Pray also for the time they will spend traveling and communicating with their partners. Also pray for their four year old daughter. This is the second time that she will be living in the States, but she doesn’t have many memories of the first time.

Thank you all for your prayers this month. Thank you for all the ways that you partner with us in this ministry that we see changing lives here in Vanuatu.

Matt (for Angie and the kids too)



September/October VISTA Module


Top: Our teammates the Kopkes working with the Apma and Havai translators. They have spellchecked over 1400 words!

Bottom: Gregory and Craig doing consultant checking with the Hano translators. They were joined by other native Hano speakers to get their input, too.

May 2015                                                           September 2016

To commemorate our one year anniversary in Vanuatu, we took a new family photo. We thought it would be fun to recreate a photo from 16 months earlier. All I (Angie) can see in these pictures is that I appear to have SHRUNK! What is it with these kids getting so tall?! Our dogs had to get in the shot, too, of course.
Prayer Points

~ One of the translators is not here for this module and we aren’t sure why. Please pray for him. Also continue to pray for no significant distractions (illnesses, deaths, etc). The MTTs are making great progress so far!

~ It’s hard being away from our families. We miss out on birthday parties, coffee around the kitchen table, emergency room scares, and holidays. They miss out on the kids accomplishing new things, really knowing what our lives are like right now, and just sharing in the everyday moments. Pray for us and our families as we are apart, especially with the holidays coming up. 

Copyright © 2016 Pioneer Bible Translators, All rights reserved.