
We are smack in the middle of one of the biggest transitions of our lives. It struck me how we are experiencing endings and beginnings in so many areas of our lives. Right now we are…

     …getting rid of items here and planning to purchase items there
     …saying goodbye to people here and getting to know people there
     …finishing up a job here to get started on a new one there
     …completing school here to start a new kind of school there
     …leaving friends here to make new ones there
     …clearing out our house here and arranging for a new one there
     …leaving our family here to form a new kind of family there

I’ve helped with my last fundraising dinner at the beloved Mexican restaurant here (60 guests raised over $30,000 for the Vision Building!). I will soon help with my last big banquet (550 guests in NW Arkansas on May 2. We’re shooting for $300,000 so they will fund the equivalent of an entire New Testament!) The Mabee Foundation said YES to giving us $300,000 for the Vision Building! That is the largest grant Pioneer Bible Translators has ever been awarded. I am so thrilled…words can’t express.

My last day in the office will be around the 5th of May, although I’ve agreed to do a few things from home in between packing up our house…:-) Every time I do something for the last time, I get a little sentimental about it so it’s hard to really be done in the office here.

(I think Matt will still be working in his role here until the day we get on the plane to leave, but that’s a topic for another day!)

It takes a toll on your heart and mind to have one foot in each country for so long. But from what we hear, this is our life now. We will of course miss things about the States but we will learn to love different aspects of Vanuatu. That means when we come back for home assignment, we will be homesick for Vanuatu. “This world is not my home” will be true for us in a new and very real way.

Angie (for Matt and the kids, too)

Skype Calls

Between now and the end of May we would like to touch base with as many of you as we can through phone or Skype calls. Let us know what day and time would work for you and you can have first dibs on our busy schedule! We can’t wait to “see” you.

To Support Our Ministry:

~By Check, make your check payable to Pioneer Bible Translators and mail it to our forwarding agent at: 

Pioneer Bible Translators 
c/o Bobbi Weldy 
1911 Fairground Drive 
Pleasant Hill, MO  64080 

*For tax-exemption purposes, do not include our names on the check.

~By Credit Card, go to, click to give by credit card, choose Teams from the dropdown menu and then click “Ministry of Weldy, Matt & Angie”.

~By Monthly Automatic Transfer, go to and download the Bank Authorization Form. Print and send the form with a blank check to the P.O. Box listed on the form.

Thank you!

THANK YOU to the Crossroads Christian Church group for helping us remove our old fence & paint baseboards in the house!
VISTA Update!
The Seed Company is a funding partner for the Vanuatu VISTA program. They have just published the first quarterly report. Click HERE to read about the challenges and successes that have already been achieved. We can’t wait to be on the ground to help with this vital new work!

Praises & Prayers:

~ Praise! We just need $5431 more of start-up funding. The love offering from the church in Covington and our going away party with our Sunday School class (above) moved us a lot closer to the goal! Thank you to everyone who has given.

~ Pray! We still need $615 of monthly support committed before we can buy our plane tickets. Three more people started supporting us this month! Thank you!

~ Our residency visa and work permit paperwork arrived in Vanuatu this week – praise God! We are also praying for our immigration bond to be approved within a few days. Once that happens, everything will get turned in to the government and we will wait 2 weeks to 4 months for our final approval. Then we can buy our plane tickets!

~ Praise God for a great weekend with the people at Central Christian Church in Covington, TN. We loved getting to know them!

Upcoming Dates

May 5  Last Johnson Univ. Online class begins for Matt & Angie

May 22  Kids’ last day of school

May 22/23  Move out of our house & drive to MO

June 1  Matt & Angie return to Dallas while kids get 2 weeks of grandparent time 🙂

June 14  Lauren’s 10th birthday

June 15  Matt & Angie’s 19th wedding anniversary


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Pioneer Bible Translators

4321 Baldwin Street

Grand Prairie, TX 75052

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