Big News!


In the early morning hours yesterday, we got the long-awaited text……

“After 17 trips to the bank, we have your bond paperwork in our possession!”

Our immigration bond–that we have all been praying and waiting on for exactly 8 weeks–is finally approved! This is exactly what we needed to hear in the midst of our last online class, moving out of our house, moving into our trailer, and Matt helping with logistics for PBT’s summer classes. We are worn out. Thank you, God, for giving us this refreshing news that bolsters our spirits!

Yesterday afternoon, we called our teammates in Vanuatu and through the crackly, staccato connection we heard that Dan and Shawn will send our visa and work permit paperwork to the capital city on Monday. Then at the beginning of July, Dan will take a plane or boat to the capital city to check on our paperwork. The best case scenario is that Dan will leave with our paperwork approved that day and we can buy our tickets! Without him going in person, there is a good chance we would wait several months for this last part of our paperwork to get approved. If all goes well, we will get to meet the VISTA students in their next module in September!

Nothing is set in stone. Dan could walk away from the meeting without our paperwork approved. Would you pray with us that Dan and our paperwork will find favor in the eyes of the Vanuatu officials? Pray that God will go before us to get our paperwork approved in His timing.

We are getting SO close! Thank you for praying and supporting us as our family goes to minister to the people of Vanuatu!!

Angie (for Matt and the kids, too)

Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.  1 Thessalonians 2:8

Financial Support:

~By Check, make your check payable to Pioneer Bible Translators and mail it to our forwarding agent at: 

Pioneer Bible Translators 
c/o Bobbi Weldy 
1911 Fairground Drive 
Pleasant Hill, MO  64080 

*For tax-exemption purposes, do not include our names on the check.

~By Credit Card or Bank Draft, go to and scroll down to the instructions for Giving to Teams.

Thank you!

Praises & Prayers:

~ Praise! PBT just needs $4,051 more of start-up funding for our project. Thank you to those who gave this month!

~ Pray! PBT only needs $495 of monthly support committed before we can buy our plane tickets. Thank you!

Upcoming Dates

June 14  Lauren’s 10th birthday

June 15  Matt & Angie’s 19th wedding anniversary


Copyright © 2015 Pioneer Bible Translators, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Pioneer Bible Translators

4321 Baldwin Street

Grand Prairie, TX 75052