Mission Resource August Update: Hit the Links With Us
A Mind for Business, A Heart for Missions
Ernest standing by the new chapel prior to its completion
August Update
A few months ago I was speaking with Ernest, a friend as well as a Mission Resource loan recipient. His congregation had recently built a new "chapel" or what we would call a church building. He is the pastor and has been ever since I have known him. Mission Resource helped him with a loan to start a chair and canopy rental business around 8 years ago. He has always paid his loans off and has expanded his business substantially from its humble beginnings.
Ernest mentioned one of the most important things he ever learned from Americans is that Americans plan. He said he began to share the vision of building the new chapel with his congregation nearly a year before they asked for the funds. He was able to share with them its cost, how if everyone planned ahead, they could put back money. So, when the time came for them to give, they were ready. What he shared with me was profound. Sometimes such simple things as talking about planning ahead allowed this pastor/business owner to inspire his congregation to come up with the funds to build this new, much larger church building that they desperately wanted.
I am confident the planning idea was casually mentioned in a conversation, but he grasped the concept and put it to good use. Praise the Lord for this new chapel, which I am confident was paid for primarily by Ernest, but he was so proud that he was able to transfer what he had learned to his congregation, and that in turn, they could see the benefit of planning ahead.
David A. Ketchum
It’s time to register for the 10th Annual Golf Classic. Please join us on Thursday, September 27, 2018 at Timbergate Golf Course just north of Columbus, IN. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. The shot gun start is at 12:20 p.m.
The cost is just $130 per person and includes:
18 holes of golf with a cart
Entry into Putting Contest ALL INCLUSIVE!
Mulligan Package With your regsitration fee of
Lunch and dinner $130 you are eligible for ALL
Golf shirt contests, meals and prizes!!
Prizes No extra costs!
Join us in Praying for Jared and Anna Odle in Ghana
1. The rice and soybean farm is doing so well! We have planted in a low land where the river backs up and floods the fields, so the rice has plenty of water. We are working this week to get insurance on the crops so that the farmers can get a loan to help off-set the cost of seed and fertilizer. We have fronted this cost, but would like to recoup some cost now so we can trade shea nuts. The loans must be given to the farmers and not our company for this project. Pray that this would be a smooth process, without any unforseen obstacles.
2. Aidan and Samuel have been at Kid’s Camp this week, a gathering of over 400 children from around the Tamale area! Aidan has been a counselor and Samuel a camper. Pray that these children would go home knowing and loving Jesus more than before they came. Pray that they would hide His Word in their hearts. Pray that these children would grow up to be strong Chrisitan men and women who continue to share Jesus with a hurting world.