From the Desk of Greg Herriford

I would like to share with you that after 20 wonderful years, I am leaving the staff of Mission Journeys/Teen Mission, stepping down as Executive Director effective Friday, July 31, 2015.


This has not been an easy decision. It’s been one that I’ve spent several months thinking and praying about.

It is, however, the right decision for me at this time in my life.


Looking back over the past 20 years, I am overwhelmed by great memories and incredibly grateful to so many who have encouraged me and financially helped support the ministry efforts of Mission Journeys/Teen Mission. In the words of the Apostle Paul, I thank my God every time I remember you.”Philippians 1:3


Here are just a few of the things God has accomplished through “us” since 1995 (my 1st year with the mission)…


…Personally traveled over 250,000 miles by car and plane to preach, teach and represent the ministry; countries visited include: Antigua, Egypt,    French Guiana, Guyana, Haiti, Israel, Jamaica, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Taiwan, and Trinidad.

…Over 7,000 Mission Trip Participants were sent out on over 500 Mission Trips.


…New full-time mission works launched in Belize, Honduras and Eastern KY.


…Helped Kendell & Yvrose Johnson start a Christian school and Clinic in Dufailly, Haiti.


…Started Harvest for Haiti program in 2010 – and over 450,000 meals paid for, packed and sent to Haiti to feed school children since then.


Why have I arrived at the decision to leave?


I simply have less PASSION for my CURRENT ROLE

I do not enjoy some aspects of the work with Mission Journeys/Teen Mission as much as I once did. More specifically, I am tired of the travel involved with the short-term mission trips and PR/fundraising.



with my FATHER

As many of you know, my beautiful mother (Reba) passed away on December 3, 2014.

While it’s turned my family’s entire world upside down, it’s affected my father the most. My mom did most everything for him and he has not handled living on his own well at all.

He also has early stages of Dementia. It appears to be in the frontal lobe of his brain, severally affecting his decision-making abilities.

Being an only child, I have become the primary caregiver/guardian of my dad.

I feel I’ve done an OK job serving in this role, but my father needs more help and assistance than any of us could have imagined.

We’re trying to keep him at home, but I fully expect we’ll have to move him to some type of assisted-living facility sometime in the near future.


It’s time for a NEW DIRECTION

For Mission Journeys/Teen Mission, many areas of programming like the short-term mission trips need NEW energy and direction. I’m not the guy to do that. It’s time for some new faces in leadership.


For me personally, at 43 years of age, I feel it’s time for me to explore other ministry possibilities – especially preaching and helping lead a church. Since January, 2015, I’ve been serving as the “interim” preaching minister at the Mt Eden Christian Church in Spears, KY (rural Fayette County). I am preaching there and teaching Bible School every Sunday morning. I have really enjoyed this and would like to continue.


The preaching at Mt Eden is not a full-time position. To offset things financially, I will be working in a sales position at Pieratt’s – a great, family-owned business located here in Central KY. The store specializes in selling home furnishings, appliances, electronics and bedding. Come in and see me!


 What’s Next for Mission Journeys/Teen Mission?

I am happy to announce that the board of directors have approved Marc Mobley to become the new Executive Director.

Marc has been on staff with us since 2013. I’ve invested a lot of time with Marc and believe he’ll do a great job leading Mission Journeys/Teen Mission into the future.


I am also happy to announce that Larry Mullholand is working to join the staff of Mission Journeys/Teen Mission in the role of Projects Director starting in 2016.


We are excited to have someone of Larry’s quality and character desire to join our team. Larry’s experience as an ordained minister as well as being a general contractor for over 30 years makes him an exceptional fit for this ministry.


Please continue to keep me, my family and the ministry of Mission Journeys/Teen Mission in your prayers during this transitional time.


As I go, allow me to echo the words of one of my childhood heroes – Cawood Ledford (legendary radio voice of the University of Kentucky Wildcats) – as he ended his final UK basketball broadcast. Cawood signed off the air with words he borrowed from legendary UK coach Adolph Rupp upon his own retirement:


“For those of you who have gone down the glory road with me, my eternal thanks…goodbye, God bless, and goodnight everybody.”


Your friend in Christ,

Greg Herriford

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Mission Journeys/Teen Mission
940 Holly Springs Dr; Lexington KY 40504
Ph 859.278.3202