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Spring 2014 News
Mission Journeys/Teen Mission
940 Holly Springs Dr; Lexington KY 40504
Ph 859.278.3202
Are you tired of the snow and ready for a season of change? I know I am. Spring affords us that opportunity – the hours of sunlight are a little longer in the evening and before too much longer we’ll have flowers in bloom, the smell of freshly cut grass and warmer weather.
 Mission Journeys has had a great start to 2014 with many exciting things happening during the first few months of the year.
We had a successful training session for mission trip leaders on Thursday, February 27, 2014. Our first board of directors meeting for 2014 took place on Monday, March 10th.
Our Global Bible School partner Wesley Stepp returned from the Philippines in late February, 2014. He’s training several men or ministry there as well as helping rebuild several churches and a Bible training school on the island of Leyte. The island was leveled as a result of last fall’s deadly typhoon. Wesley will be going back later this year – contact us if you interested in going?
This year’s mission trips are off & running, too. Here are a few of the highlights from some just-completed trips:

Haiti Mission Trip (Feb 03-13, 2014)

We had a team of 12 in the village of Dufailly, HAITI, holding revivals and working with the church & school we operate there.

Team leader Chuck Perry filed this report:

Our team included 5 (4 from Vertical Life Church in GA) on their first Haiti trip. The team worked well together with everyone stepping up to the plate, making sure all tasks were done. The trip theme was “Jesus the Great I AM” of John’s Gospel.

Haiti 1 team - 2014

Despite having 2 nights canceled due to some unseasonal rains, the outdoor revival on the village soccer field was a great success – 5 decisions for Christ were made as result of preaching & follow-up.

We conducted VBS at the Dufailly Christian Church (Tuesday-Saturday), with a high attendance of 250 children. A brief program was taken to a neighboring school.

The team also conducted 4 days of medical clinics. The next major project at Dufailly is an on-going medical clinic, which is presently being built on the mission grounds (see below).

Work at Dufailly

A list of medical supplies and equipment needed is being formulated. Yvrose & Gaby (Haiti Project Directors) are working hard to raise some extra support in order to live permanently in Dufailly. Yvrose’s presence would help make the clinic possible and reinforce the current ministry of the church and school.

The church continues to average around 85 people per Sunday and the school now has 6 grades and 190 students.
Students at Dufailly
Tanzania Mission Trip (Feb 01-20, 2014)

Mission Journeys Founder/Director Ken Henderson led a small team (5 people total) doing teaching, preaching and other ministry projects in TANZANIA, East Africa.

Ken’s team consisted of Ken, his wife (Carol), daughter (Keni Parks) and two granddaughters (Natalie & Nicole Freebersyser).

 This group placed 18 water filters in strategic locations along with sharing Jesus in Masai tribal villages, other African villages and homes and an orphanage in and around the city of Arusha.

 Ken commented, “It was a whirlwind of activity, but I don’t know when I’ve been more blessed by the opportunity to serve God’s people and so many who need Jesus. The water filters are certainly a fantastic door opener AND we’re most certainly saving some people from terrible illnesses or even death from water-born diseases.”

Ken’s daughter Keni had this to say,
“All I can say is WOW. We have talked a lot about bringing water filters to people, and clean water, and all that…but today it became real. We drove hours into the middle of nowhere. Dust so thick we could barely breath, temperature well up over 100, and this was not just “the road less traveled,” but truly seemed to be “the road never traveled.” There weren’t even tracks in the dirt. But the smiles that awaited us made trip worthwhile, and the even bigger smiles as we took their smelly yellow water and watched it run out completely clear into bottles…amazing. The people passed around the water bottle and took their first drink of clean water. They also saw their faces for the first time on a camera. And they knew that people far, far away cared enough to send us. It was the best feeling ever for them and us.”

 Why not go with us this year on a mission trip?

Check out this year’s projects (stateside & international) at There’s still time & room for you to go. The following trips are still open to volunteers:


International Journeys

HAITI – June 01-09, 2014

HONDURAS 1 – June 14-21, 2014

HONDURAS 2 – June 19-28, 2014

BELIZE – August 02-11, 2014


Stateside Journeys

Dayton, OH – June 15-21, 2014

Memphis, TN – June 29-July 05, 2014

Campton, KY – July 06-12, 2014

St Albans, WV – July 20-26, 2014


God bless, Greg Herriford – Executive Director



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