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Mid-Summer 2014 Update
Mission Journeys/Teen Mission
940 Holly Springs Dr; Lexington KY 40504
Ph 859.278.3202

Eagle and US FlagGreetings in Christ! I hope and pray you had a great 4th of July weekend.

I realize it’s been several weeks since our last news/update from the mission. 

The last 4 weeks have been a whirlwind, however, not allowing for much time to write.

While it’s “officially” been summer for just a few weeks, to us at MJ/TM it seems like it’s been summer forever.

The summer programming has been going great. Our interns are doing a super job representing us at VBS/Camps and leading mission teams.

I believe that we had the busiest month of June that we’ve ever had.

Here’s a capsule of what all took place:

 9 Mission Trips
[1 trip to Haiti; 2 trips to Honduras; 2 trips to Eastern KY; 2 trips to Ohio; 2 trips to Memphis, TN]
Pictured Below: The Dayton, OH, mission team serving at an inner-city homeless shelter
7 Weeks of Christian Service Camp
[Camp Calvary/Mackville, KY – 2 weeks; Sugarloaf Christian Camp/Wallingford, KY – 2 weeks; Gasconade Christian Camp/Waynesville, MO – 2 weeks; Faith Christian Camp/Annville, KY – 1 week]
3 Weeks as Vacation Bible School Mission
[THANKS to Quincy, KY, Church of Christ, Willisburg, KY, Christian Church & Gardenside Christian Church/Lexington, KY]
Also 13,000 meals were packed for our schools in Haiti through meal-packing sessions at Camps & VBS.
[THANKS to Blountville, TN, Christian Church, River Valley Church of Christ/Fisher, IL, Gardenside Christian Church/Lexington, KY, Forks of Elkhorn Baptist Church/Midway, KY, and Camp Calvary/Mackville, KY]
Pictured Below: Some 4-year-olds (with adult helpers) making meals for Haiti at Gardenside CC’s VBS

We’ll be sharing more photos and stories from the summer.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we try and finish the summer on a strong note.


Also, THANKS for all the prayers and concern for my wife – Kelly. She had some surgery on 06.25.14. There were some complications and she was not able to go home from the hospital until 07.02.14; she’s feeling much better now and resting at home.


In Him,

Greg Herriford (Executive Director – Mission Journeys/TM)

Join us in Indianapolis, IN, this week (July 8-11) at the 2014 North American Christian Convention



Come & see us at Booth #517