New Mission Journeys Logo


2013 Recap
& New Year 2014 Update
Mission Journeys/Teen Mission
940 Holly Springs Dr; Lexington KY 40504
Ph 859.278.3202
Looking Back and Moving Forward  


Greetings in Christ Jesus! I hope and pray you had a wonderful Christmas season.


As a faithful friend & supporter of Mission Journeys/Teen Mission,we would like to take this opportunity to say THANKS for your continued support and interest in this ministry. Without YOU this ministry would not be possible.


As we begin a new year in 2014, we look back on 2013 and see many blessings. Before we head to far into 2014, allow me to share a few of the 2013 highlights:


Great Year of Mission Trips

380 participants – 8 different countries – 22 baptisms!


  Baptism in India (Jan, 2013)


Summer Interns

Nick Hughes & Austin Morrow did a great job at camps, VBS and mission trips


2013 Interns


Belize Project begins 4th year (06.13.13)

Dan & Toni Underwood continue their ministry in Central America


Honduras Outreach Launched (07.18.13)

Rob Esposito begins a new outreach in Tegucigalpa, Honduras


Rob Esposito


Ken H celebrates 50 years in traveling ministry (09.22.13)

TM/MJ founder began his travels for Jesus in Sept, 1963




Mission Work in Haiti continues

New church/school building taking shape in Carrefour-feuilles;

School in Dufailly begins 5th year with nearly 200 students


Harvest for Haiti 4 (11.09.13) – Fox Creek CC

100,000 meals packed for children Haiti – Over 275,000 total meals packed in 4 years!



Raising Canes gives $1,000 gift @ UK ball game  (11.17.13)


Please keep us and our efforts in your thoughts and prayers aswe begin this year’s programming.

I believe God is using this ministry to accomplish His will and purposes for the world. That story is continuing to be played out.You are a BIG part of helping write the next chapter.

In Him, Greg Herriford – Executive Director

 2013 Appalachian Christmas Project was a Huge Success!

Our 9th AnnualAppalachian Christmas Project held the weekend of Dec 13-15, 2013, went extremely well. We were able to touch over 200different families through Christmas parties held in Campton, McKee and Slade, KY.
Along with Christmas gifts, over 100 “home” baskets containing toiletries and other household items were given away to families.
We thank the following churches & individuals for making the 2013 Appalachian Christmas Project possible:
Nelson Christian Church (Bardstown, KY)
Mt Olivet Christian Church (Williamstown, KY)
Cornerstone Christian Church (McKee, KY)
Campton Christian Church (Campton, KY)
Tates Creek Christian Church (Lexington, KY)
Linda White & Pine Ridge Mission
Dollie Deaton