An update from Mission Journeys.

With spring often comes a new beginning.  Here at Mission Journeys/Teen Mission USA, Inc. we have taken this as the theme we are working with this year in all aspects of this ministry.  This is based on Isaiah 43:19. 
1.  By now you probably know, beginning January 1, 2016, Larry Mullholand was elected as the new Executive Director by the Board, and is serving this mission with great ability and enthusiasm.  He is available for speaking engagements and, of course, planning mission trips. 
2.  Ken Henderson is still actively involved in this mission and is continuing with speaking engagements and assisting with mission trips as he is available. 
3.  Two new members have joined the board of directors – Tony Bisotti and John Hume.  John is serving as treasurer, and Tony is actively involved.  Our board is active in our mission in so many ways other than just oversight.  We truly appreciate their work.
4.  Brenda Hume is serving as the office manager/secretary at this time—so hers is the voice you’ll usually hear first if you call the office. 
5.  We have a new voicemail system which is helping us to respond to inquiries in a timely manner.
6.  We are now attempting to get our email addresses up to date, and to be able to use email more effectively.  Sending this email is part of the solution to doing that.  We hope you want to hear from us, but if not, please let us know by unsubscribing.  If you have another email address you’d prefer to use, please let us know. 
7.  We are in need of interns to help with VBS programs and summer camps.  If you have finished high school, or are attending college, this might be a summer job you’d like to do.  Call us at 859-278-3202 or email us at if you are interested.
8.  We still have openings for the Barbados mission trip scheduled for the last week of June—if you are interested you need to contact us NOW.  Please go to our website to check other trips.  We would also be glad to help your church or group plan a trip.
As always, we thank you for your support.  We continue to be grateful for the New Beginning that Christ gave to each of us.

In His Service,
The Mission Journeys/Teen Mission Staff


ICOM – Nov. 17-20, 2016.  Look for us at booths H18 & H19.

Copyright © 2016 Mission Journeys/Teen Mission USA, Inc., All rights reserved.