I hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas!
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Sinter Klass — a Dutch tradition
Santa Lucia — a Scandinavian tradition
Carols by Candlelight — an Australian tradition
The Academy Christmas play
Door decorations
And of course, the reason for the season!
Christmas on the AFM is a very special time with many events and celebrations with the international flair to match our international crew.

Here’s a little poem I wrote last year!

‘Twas the Night before Christmas…
     on the AFM


‘Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the ship,
No surgeries in progress –
Not even cleft lip.
The crew were all snuggled
And stacked in so tight,
Not disturbed in the least
By a stray bit of light.
When out in the hall
There arose such a clatter,
They all jumped and muttered,
‘Now what is the matter?’
They opened their doors
And looked out to see,
Then gazed in amazement
And giggled with glee!
The shoes they had left
In the hallway that night
Were filled up with goodies!
Oh what a grand sight!
With candies and cookies,
And even a ball,
Who’d ever expect
Such a glorious haul?
No reindeer were sighted;
No fat jolly men.
But elves must have been here,
Each thought with a grin.
But wait, what’s that racket
Way up on deck eight?
The stomping about
With quite a quick gait?
As they ran to the deck rail,
They barely caught sight
Of a boat heading outbound
With a red and green light.
The driver looked back
And shouted with glee,
‘Merry Christmas my crewmates
And may you blessed be!’

Copyright © 2013 Mercy Ships/ MV Africa Mercy, All rights reserved. 
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Mercy Ships/ MV Africa Mercy

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