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Divine Appointments 


 Pictured: “Toni,” whose chief complaint is paralysis of arm from elbow to hand, after discovering several other indicators we sent him out to high level care with a level 4 lab for test. probable Dx ENCEPHALITIS. Pray for him as he has a more fatal issue of not knowing Jesus Christ as his Lord and refuses prayer. At first he would not speak to us and was unresponsive. He continues to engage conversation in small bites and is searching. – Let us be diligent with this divine appointment by joining in prayer around the globe for Toni’s soul.


Our first divine appointment , a young girl that had made her way down the aisle fainted unconscious, toes pointed up, as I was now standing over her with her head landing by the emergency door. Immediately Tom bent down held her head and through “God’s Glory!” – Checking first her airway she then came to consciousness and asked what had happened. I explained to her that she is on a plane to Africa and she had fainted but, she will be all right, then calling upon the great doctor, Tom administered care. Two hours later, we landed in Rwanda for the first leg of that particular flight. – Praise God she was doing well and without pain. 


 We had a spectacular Saturday evening with ” Jacks Family” while showing the Jesus movie in their language – Tears and screams and dropping to the floor as Jesus was nailed to the cross – A muslim guard sits at their compound entrance to guard a government transmission tower. It is said he aggressive opposed to the work of Christ Jesus . The family asked for us to worship right on their compound tomorrow and we are very excited – Sandie and Tom are working great as a team and enjoying this work as God is placing us before many who need the message of Victory –Pray for thier health, Jacks family, and Abraham the night guard as travel to strengthen native evangelists continue. 

Last week we asked :

Pray for the team to yield for the divine appointments that God weaves together and for protection from interruptions. 

Pray that the team can be an encouragement to all everyone that God leads them to.

Pray for God’s blessing and guidance while Mercy Partners Mercy Mission operates medical care and evangelistic outreach. 

We God Praise for answered prayers! 


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