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Mercy Partners seeks to increase the scope of “Bridge” mission strategy. Bridging cultures also means that we need to bridge the gap between awareness and action. This is done through onsite theological and practical skills training coupled with applied technologies.  

For nearly 5 years, Mercy Partners has developed evangelistic techniques and systems of accountability out of necessity. Our skills have been homed while ministering in conflict zones, unfettered by previous mission strategies. The method of partnering missionaries with native evangelists has created the term “ Bridge” Missionary. Expanding God’s kingdom requires that we duplicate our efforts. 

Plan Forward Training the next generation. 

Partnering Churches in the High Plains Region of the United States provides location for bush training and theological instruction. The region is friendly to applied technologies that can be created and implemented. Vast distance from city centers offers an”unplugged effect” which helps to maintain focus on training and devotion. The varied environmental changes tempers the unpredictability only help in training. Additionally it’s central location broadens our partner base.   Our objective in working in the Hi Plains –  to train bridge missionaries. The bridge missionary assimilates with the culture they reach, and works on person to person relations. We will instruct in benefits and pitfalls of  interdependent societies, train other trainers in Community Health Evangelism, ( a wholistic approach to helping and not hurting). Instruct in how to connect resources with opportunities while employing an accountability system. Teach how to extend dignity by providing a hand up and not a hand out.  Develop skills in releasing control to the indigenous church and best methods of reporting to contributors. Our thrust is to develop a desire to bring heart change and undergird the authenticity of the native evangelists.   

This week Thomas and Tom Kilian ( Pictured above) travel to Oklahoma to work with the youth of the Hi Plains region and begin the ambition of our Bridge Missionary training. 

Pray for Tom and Thomas to have safe travels and for God to bless the weeks in Oklahoma as we begin our Bridge Missionary training . 
Pray for the youth to have open hearts to hear God and draw closer to Him .


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Mercy Partners, PO Box 236, Columbia North Carolina, 27925 is a 501c3 tax deductable charity.