Trouble in Unity 





When studying South Sudan geography, the state of unity must have the most intriguing name. If you use your imagination the shape of the state resembles that of a heart placed dead center in the middle of the country. The state hosts the largest hydrocarbon accumulation of over one hundred and 50 million barrels of oil. It is blood oil that is pumping from the heart of South Sudan through the artery of it’s Arab north neighbor that keeps the war machines alive. 


Unity is the home of both Dinka and Nuer tribes. There have been endless articles about human rights violated by both tribes, by government’s of South Sudan and that of Sudan as well as oil company exploitation that see the dollars of resources rather than the value of human life. January 2014 shortly after war erupted, I recorded accounts from civilians and NGO’s ( including the United Nations) of mass graves (which were officially retracted). So this past week it came as no surprise that numerous towns and villages have been reported as “burned” amid killings, abductions of males as young as 10 years of age, rape and abduction of girls and women, and the forced displacement of over 30,000 civilians. ( 300,000 with food insecurity) Various non governmental organizations terminated operations in disunited unity.  
Our major concern is that the people residing in Unity State will be cut off from life giving support.  Our hope is established in Christ Jesus bringing order to the chaos that is so common across South Sudan. Chaos has been a amplified this week, so we seek God’s intervention. 
Prayer Request: 
1) Pray for our colleagues and partnered organizations that are operated and directed by the native population that God may supply their needs as foreign NGO’s leave. 
2) Pray especially for the town of Leer where our sister Charlotte Barkley, of Bush Telegraph, has empowered Christian brothers and sisters to care for others during times like these. Ask God to protect this town, and give special strength for the Christian and protect their livestock. 
3) Pray that the name of Unity may be a name that defines this region beyond our imagination because we serve a King that does the impossible. Eph 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”


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